Sunday, June 30, 2013

There Will Be An Accounting!

I was awakened early this AM to read an article on my Iphone entitled: Netanyahu Prepared To Give Up 90% of Judea and Samaria...As I read through the article, multiple emotions began to swirl in my heart and mind...none of them good...

As anyone who knows me can attest, I have spent well over the last dozen years of my life in full time, pro bono work for and with Israel...when I was led by God to study the Jewish Roots of my Christian Faith, my passion for the study of the Jewishness of the Gospel of Yeshua became totally consuming...I would venture to say, with all due modesty, that I know as much about this subject as any MDiv Student...and certainly light years more than the vast majority of Pastors throughout the world...Israel, Her Children, The Jewish Roots of The Faith, and AFFI, my 501.C3, have become life work...

Individuals like me, who either are or become Christian Zionists, have a common denominator: we know Yeshua as our Savior - and that He Was and Is The Messiah of Israel...we live our lives based on the foundational teachings of The Inerrant and Immutable Word of God...and we give our support and help to Israel unreservedly BECAUSE we know that Israel IS The Eternal Covenant Land of God...and the Jews, His Eternal Covenant Children...

In The Tanakh, God CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY commands His Children to 'take the Land I have given you' - in the case of Moshe and Yoshua, it was through conquest of the pagan tribes that were then living there...Yoshua was told to destroy entire cities including populations and animals of that city so that ISRAEL'S CHILDREN could settle there...The Land was divided into parcels for each of the 11 Tribes with the 12th Tribe of Levi given Lands and Cities WITHIN the Land given to their 11 Brothers...

EVERY time Israel failed to conquer or occupy the portion of The Land God gave them, there was trouble...and Israel was told by The Prophets God sent that their PUNISHMENT for DISOBEYING His Command, Promise and Blessing of OCCUPYING The Land HE gave THEM, that it would 'cost them something' in terms of life and/or destruction...The pages of The Tanakh are FULL of stories of those times that Israel DISOBEYED GOD and 'gave up The Land'...

Today, over 2000 years since the Destruction of the Second Temple and the massive deportation of all of Israel to the lands of their conquering enemies, Israel is BACK in The Land God Gave Her for All Eternity...History SHOULD have taught Israel what VIOLATING His Law appears that those horrific lessons were NOT indelibly etched on their National Heart...

In 2006, under extraordinary pressure from the USA, Israel GAVE UP the ENTIRE GAZA STRIP - making it JUDENREIN in a ghastly enforced removal of every Jew living in the, schools, synagogues, businesses...EVERY aspect of JEWISH LIFE in Gaza was DESTROYED in horrific fashion by their arab enemies under the very eyes of Israel's Leadership at that time...and what are the results? Peace with the 'palestinians'?...Peace with their arab enemies?...Peace with the World Governments that forced this upon Israel?...NO...NOT EVEN IN THE SMALLEST MEASURE...

Instead, there have been over TENS OF THOUSANDS of MISSILES FIRED INTO the South of Israel BY Her enemies in nearly CONSTANT and ONGOING barrages...those beloved Jewish Men, Women and Children living in the South of Israel face CONSTANT attack...yes, there are days, weeks and even sometimes a month or so without any terror missiles fired into Southern Israel...but those 'lulls' are rare as the 'peaceful Palestinians' cannot - will not - allow the Eternal Covenant Children of God to live their lives in peace...

On the VERY DAY that the USA FORCED Israel to become JUDENREIN in Gaza, Hurricane Katrina STRUCK the USA with a force of destruction unlike anything we had ever seen...and shortly thereafter, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - who was BELOVED by his Nation - whose name MEANS 'LION' - was struck with a MASSIVE STROKE that has left him basically brain dead and on life support for 7 years...GOD IS NOT MOCKED...when HE SAYS SOMETHING, HE MEANS IT...When His Word is DISOBEYED, HIS VENGEANCE is ultimately meted is a terrifying thing for me to think of...and yet...and yet...NATIONS like the USA NEVER LEARN...and ISRAEL CONTINUES to EVEN CONSIDER giving up MORE 'land for peace' -- which is the biggest LIE of all...

The Pollyanna World of make-believe that "all will be wonderful if we just give up those nasty 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria" permeates the 'godless left' of BOTH Israel and the USA...and the FOOLS WITH TALKING HEADS such as the godless Obama and his equally godless Sec. of State John Kerry PLOT and CONTRIVE and COERCE Israel to GIVE UP THEIR HEARTLAND and the GOLAN HEIGHTS...

People compare Obama and Kerry to Neville Chamberlain of the UK/Pre WWII, saying they are 'well intentioned pacifists' --- to this I say, ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. Obama knows EXACTLY what his policy of the "POST ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST" is to look like - documents prepared by his State Department have been found and published - with very little 'denial' by him or the syncopants surrounding him...the GAME PLAN is to BRING ISRAEL TO DESTRUCTION...and they are using the CANNIBALIZATION OF ISRAEL'S CITIZENS BY HER OWN ELECTED OFFICIALS to do so...all the while chanting 'Peace and Security' for Her...

I tell you this: I am nearly 70 years old now...the days ahead of me are far less than the ones behind me...I have spent my life trying to make a difference for My Nation and My God and His Land...with EVERY OUNCE of whatever life is left in and for me, I believe these things to be true:
1) Obama and his henchmen are NEVER to be trusted to do ANYTHING that is GOOD or of PURE MOTIVE for Israel; 2) the Game Plan he and his fellow tyrannical leaders of other World Nations are and have been plotting is for the DESTRUCTION of Israel, and they have their national departments preparing for this end result; 3) Israel MUST NEVER, under ANY circumstances, TRUST this man or these other national leaders; 4) Israel MUST NEVER give up ONE GRAIN OF SAND that GOD has given Her; 5) Messiah IS Returning to HIS TEMPLE MOUNT, to the TEMPLE that ISRAEL will build to welcome Him HOME to His Land; 6) God's WORD is INERRANT and IMMUTABLE and HE WILL PROTECT AND DEFEND HIS LAND AND CHILDREN...

The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing I believe to be true is this: Messiah Yeshua WAS and IS the Only Begotten Son of The Most High God...He was BORN a JEW...lived a FULLY OBEDIENT Jewish Life...Suffered and Died a JEW on a Roman Tzlav FOR the REMISSION OF MY SINS and the SINS OF THE WORLD...His Shed Blood provided the ATONEMENT that EVERY SACRIFICE He prescribed in the Tanakh spoke of...He ASCENDED to His Father and IS sitting at HIS RIGHT HAND...He WILL RETURN with the ANGELS OF HEAVEN to DO BATTLE with and DESTROY His Enemies...He WILL STAND AGAIN on the Olive Mount...ALL ISRAEL WILL SEE HIM AS THEIR MESSIAH...AND ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED!

Those who have plotted the harm and destruction of Israel and His Eternal Covenant Children fill the depths of Hell...what makes these leaders of today think they will escape HIS WRATH for what they have done or are planning to do to His Land and Children?

To my BELOVED Jewish Brothers and Sisters I say this: DO NOT GIVE UP ANY OF YOUR LAND! STAND STRONG IN HIM! SEE THE CHARIOTS AND WARRING ANGELS ON THE HILLS SURROUNDING YOUR LAND!!! OBEY HIS WORD AND HOLD THE LAND HE GAVE YOU! IF, for ANY reason, Israel fails to do what God's Word CLEARLY tells Her to do, the price will be horrific for of those price tags will be the MASSIVE LOSS of Evangelical Christian Zionist support that She so depends on! Work that people like me and my organization try to do to help Her will become very difficult as OUR HEARTS WILL BREAK FOR HER...BUT WE WILL HAVE NO EXPLANATION TO GIVE ANYONE FOR HER DISOBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD...FIGHT FOR YOUR LAND!!! DO NOT GIVE ANY OF IT UP!! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!!! BLOW THE SILVER TRUMPETS AND MARCH FORWARD! As the SONG OF EZEKIEL says: I can hear Judah assembling! Praise is their weapon of war! ARISE! ARISE! ARISE HERE AND NOW!!

As the closing of each of the books of Torah record:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Their Lives Were Not Lost In Vain

Today is Yom Ha'Zikharon in Israel...Memorial Day...for the thousand of Israeli Men, Women and Children whose lives have been snuffed out by the Enemies of God...some were murdered by terrorists...some were butchered in one of the many Wars and Operations that Israel has been forced to participate in to defend Herself...each death has one thing in common: that life was destroyed because he or she was a Jew...and because the terrorist enemies who hate Israel and Her Eternal Covenant Children do not know The Most High God of Avraham, Yitzchak Yaakov...and certainly do not bow their knees to His Immutable Word and Truths...

We know many of these Israeli families now...having worked closely with and for Israel for so many years, we know the Soldiers and Leaders and Am Ha'artez who make up this beautiful Land of God...and we grieve with them...

The loss of one life is too many...Israel was reborn on the ash pile of over SIX MILLION of their fellow Jewish Men, Women and Children who were butchered in Hitler's Hell known as the Holocaust...each Israeli Jew knows that the Land they are living in; have fought for and labored for; have given their 'ALL' for...this Land their Forefathers were promised in an ETERNAL COVENANT GOD MADE WITH AVRAHAM...this is THEIR LAND and they are NOT going to give it up EVER...which makes Yom Ha'Zikharon so emotionally draining BECAUSE each Israeli Jew KNOWS that their lives are expendable for the good of THIS NATION CALLED ISRAEL...

At the tender age of 18...just when these beautiful Israeli Young Men and Women should be thinking of their future life this age, each Israeli young boy and girl - for that is what they truly are - young people - not yet men and women - but soon to this tender age, each Israeli boy and girl is inducted into the IDF to be trained to serve their Nation and to protect it, if need be, with their own lives...

What a difference PRIDE and HONOR in your Nation make...all over the rest of the free world, young 18 year olds are able to actually begin to walk their life path as it is not 'mandatory' that they enlist in the military of their respective Nation...I often wonder what a difference it would have made if American 18 year olds were forced to enter the military - both male and female 18 year olds...would there be PRIDE in America rather than the socialism and communism that has penetrated our Academic Institutions and turned so many of our young people away from the knowledge that Freedom is the basis of our Nation's Founding...

Freedom isn't has been bought with a price...and many times that price is the shed blood of others who were willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice so that those who came behind them COULD live in Freedom...

In the case of Israel, FREEDOM is what drives this Nation to SUCCEED at EVERYTHING it puts its' hands to...they know what the LOSS OF FREEDOM meant to their extended families from all over Europe who perished in OVENS and CONCENTRATION CAMPS because they were JEWS who were NOT free...

On this day, Iyar 4, 5773...what the world calls April 14, 2013...I lend my voice in prayer to The Most High God I love and serve to say along with my beloved Israeli Brothers and Sisters...

NEVER AGAIN! Each life HONORED and REMEMBERED today MEANT SOMETHING to Israel's God! He has NOT FORGOTTEN any of these whose lives we recall today...for He tells us that 'He knows the very number of the hairs on our head'...and He 'stores up our tears as Prayers of Incense before His Throne'...and that He knows when each sparrow falls...LIFE is precious! He gave the LIFE OF HIS SON for us...SURELY, if He was willing to pay that price for us, His Eternal Covenant Children's Lives are worth far more than one can imagine...

May G-d COMFORT and STRENGTHEN each Family in His Land as they pause to honor their own who have given their all for Israel!

'Hiney Lo Yanun, Ve Lo Yishan, Shomer Yisrael!'

Sunday, April 7, 2013

When Words Fail....

The CalendarToday is Nisan 27, 5773 on of Time that The Creator G-d gave Israel...on the Gregorian Calendar...the Calendar Pope Gregory instituted as he did not want 'any similarity to the time the Jews keep'... this is called April 7, 2013. It is Day 12 of the Counting of The Omer since Cha Ha Matzot, the SECOND Day of the FIRST Moedim/Appointed Time of God called PESACH...the Biblical Counting we do as we approach the Fourth Moedim/Appointed Time of G-d called SHAVUOT...what The Church has renamed 'Pentecost'...we are commanded in B'Midbar/Numbers and Vayikra/Leviticus to 'COUNT THE OMER for 49 Days PLUS 1 as we reach SHAVUOT, the FOURTH of the SPRING MOEDIM/Feasts of the
L-rd....Shavuot is the Feast YHVH commanded as we HONOR the GIVING OF THE LAW at Mt. Sinai when HE THUNDERED the "TEN WORDS"...Shavuot is to we who Believe that Yeshua WAS and IS The Messiah Of Israel the POURING OUT OF THE RUACH HA KODESH/Holy Spirit as the SECOND TIME FIRE FELL FROM HEAVEN...this time over the heads of the Talmidim who were gathered in Shlomo's Portico ON THE TEMPLE MOUNT, EXACTLY as they were COMMANDED by YHVH to do as a REGALIM of the THREE Regalim Feasts of HaShem when 'all Jewish Men are to appear in HIS TEMPLE to give account of themselves and bring their LEVITICAL TITHES and OFFERINGS to HIM...seeking HIS FACE and FORGIVENESS as they made ATONEMENT for themselves and their families...just having to write these above sentences to TRY to explain to you, my readers, what is TRUTH rather than the FICTION we live with, drains my already weary soul...

Not only is today Nisan 27, 5773, Day 12 of the Counting of the Omer, it is also HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY. Today, Israel HONORS the over SIX MILLION of their JEWISH BROTHERS and SISTERS...MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN...who were BRUTALLY MURDERED BY PLANNED DECREE of the EVIL MADMAN named Adolph Hitler...who was INDWELT with SATAN'S DEMONIC FORCES to try to annihilate G-D'S ETERNAL COVENANT CHILDREN...

Today, all across Israel...and throughout the World where SANE and GOOD PEOPLE STILL DWELL, men and women will 'STAND AT ATTENTION' and pay HONOR to the MEMORY of those SIX MILLION who were so brutally murdered...a NATION was BORN of the ASHES of Hitler's Hell and that NATION TODAY FLOURISHES and PRODUCES EXCELLENCE IN ALL IT DOES...regardless of the STILL evil plots to destroy Her and Her People...



Today, as we who LOVE HER and STAND FOR AND WITH HER RECALL the horrific horror HER CHILDREN were forced to endure, we have NO WORDS...I was a Journalism Major with English as a desire was to write and 'writing words' comes naturally to me...BUT G-D had plans for MY LIFE that I did not know...I was born a WWII Baby and was the FIRSTBORN of two parents who LOVED OUR GOD; and a Father who SERVED HIS COUNTRY in the South Pacific during WWII...BOTH of these parents TAUGHT THEIR CHILDREN to LOVE THE JEWS as we grew up in a predominantly all Jewish Neighborhood...where MY friends had no 'extended family' as they had BEEN BURNED IN THE OVENS OF an early age I learned of The Holocaust...and I have spent my ENTIRE LIFE devouring EVERYTHING I COULD on it...

Through the GRACE OF GOD people have been brought to my life walk that HE has sent to continue my education on this dastardly subject...and THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD I have been DEEPLY HONORED to have MET and BECOME FRIENDS with KEY LEADERS of HIS NATION, ISRAEL...I have sat with them and HEARD from them FIRSTHAND of the Holocaust and the Rebirth of their Nation...of the WARS they have been FORCED to fight to DEFEND themselves from the EVIL that is insatiable for Jewish Blood...

Last year, on a Stormy Shabbat, I was given a present by Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann. Rabbi Areyah and I have become very dear friends over the course of my years of working for and with Israel...he came to the Ohio Home of my husband, Bill, and I one Sunday simply saying that 'I was told to come to you'....which in itself is a strong testimony of G-d about our work and friendship...Rabbi and Esther Kaltmann hosted our Jewish Roots of the Faith Class at a Shabbat Supper this past June....the night spawned one of the worst storms Central Ohio has ever had...and Electrical Power was lost to most of Central Ohio as a result...nonetheless, Rabbi and Esther hosted our group who wound their way in the dark and storm to be with them for I left their house that night, Rabbi gave me a very heavy package...when I arrived at my home very near midnight, I openend that package to find a copy of an AUSCHWITZ TORAH TRACTATE...the TORAH that General Dwight Eisenhower had DEMANDED the printing presses of Germany's Heidelberg PRINT FOR EVERY JEWISH SURVIVOR OF AUSCHWITZ....I was OVERCOME with emotion as you can imagine...and told Rabbi that I felt he should keep this as Rabbi's father had survived Auschwitz and is still alive and living in Australia...but Rabbi has insisted that I keep this AUSCHWITZ TORAH TRACTATE and it is PROUDLY and REVERENTLY displayed along with other Memorabilia I have been given or received from Israel...the CIRCLE OF LIFE GROWS EVER WIDER as we walk the PATH HE HAS FOR US...

As I close, I want to list those who are BELOVED FRIENDS from Isrel that I have met and worked with, and who are MY KINDRED SOULS in this walk we are on: Christian and Jew TOGETHER STANDING STRONG AND PROUD FOR HIS LAND AND NATION, ISRAEL! May EACH OF THESE LISTED BELOW be DIVINELY BLESSED AND PROTECTED BY THE GOD OF AVRAHAM, YITZCHAK AND YAAKOV ALL THE DAYS OF THEIR LIVES! And May All of Israel, be Blessed and Protected every day from their enemies!

Ziva Ben Reuven; Major General (Res.) and Yael Ben Reuven and their children: Yotam, Roi, Maya, Hilel, Shir and Gan; Brig. Gen. Deputy Commander Gal and Donna Hirsch and their children; Meori, Ofri and Nir; Napthali (Nati Yeyni); Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Oded and ZaZa Tyrah; Morry and Ilana Sivan; Amit Marom; Yuval Tanuri; Dr. Nitza Nachmias; Col. (Ret.) Ofra Ben Yishai; Eyal Arad; Nir Arieli; Eyal Levin; Amihay Noy; Asi Yariv; Gadi Zeder; Yoni Ram; Dr. Amy Lippmann; Linor Shachar; Alex Shafran; Lior Amsalen; Major Edan Chudy; Major Zohar Cohen; Micha Danieli; Daniel Bar-Am; Martin and Fay Novak; Rabbi Tuly Weisz; Rabbi Areyah and Eshter Kaltmann; Yossi Katlmann (the father of Rabbi Kaltmann)...and the countless thousands of IDF Men and Women PAST AND PRESENT who are Today's ARMY OF GOD as they stand STRONG AND PROUD AND TRUE to DEFEND THEIR NATION...and who say, along with we who love them dearly:

Hiney Le Yanun, Ve Lo Yishan, Shomer Yisrael! Psalm 121:4 (He Who Keepeth Israel Neither Slumbers Nor Sleeps!)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Stoniness Of Their Hearts


The Brit Hadashah Book of Mark records in Mark 3:5:
'Then looking them over and feeling both anger with them and sympathy for them at the stoniness of their hearts...'I read that passage yesterday in my daily devotional time, and immediately thought of several who fit that description in my walk and journey - particularly in recent weeks as a major change has been made in my life...

Stoniness of heart...a sad description of the state of the hearts of those who refuse to do what
G-d's Word Commands...who foster 'program's and 'new directions' rather than actually bowing before The God of Avraham and His Commands about The Eternal Covenant He has with Israel and Her Children...Stoniness of heart...

I was comforted when I read that Yeshua felt the exact same way I have and do about people like this...for if HE became 'angry and yet had sympathy' for such people, why would it be any different for me to react as He did when I experience 'stoniness of heart' in those I would not expect it of...

What is really sad is not just that they have 'stoniness of heart' - but that they don't even realize or maybe even care that this description applies to them...'Programs' and 'New Directions' fill their minds - maybe blinding them to the true 'stoniness of heart' that is so evident to those around them...

When I was in school - years ago since I am now an 'older woman' - we read the story of an Emperor who had no clothes on - but his Subjects were too scared to tell him that he was riding around 'unclothed' --- I fear this is what happens today when people get too caught up in the 'Leader' while refusing to acknowledge that he really has no clothes on...

Yeshua's Word records that Rav Sha'ul told his young Talmid Timothy to 'preach the Word; be INSTANT in Season and Out; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering' - the Pulpits of the many Churches today would be wise to heed those words...or their congregatations will continue to sit, afraid to tell the 'Emperor' that he has no clothes on...

Y'hoshua Ben Nun, the wonderful Old Testament Warrior Joshua, wrote as he concluded the Book of the Torah that bears his name, 'but as for me and my house, we will follow the Lord!'  That 'Emperor' HAD clothes on!

When it comes to Israel and the Commands FOR and ABOUT HER, and HER ETERNAL COVENANT CHILDREN, there are NO excuses, NO programs, NO 'New Directions' and CERTAINLY NO 'New Visions' about what His Word states!

Better wake up, friends! The Sheep and Goats Judgment is for The Church! I don't want to be found with 'stoniness of heart' when it comes to Israel!


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Shalom, Mishpocha!

The Fall Holy Days...the Fall Feasts of The L-rd...the Moedim that He said all mankind should meet with Him on...these Days are now behind us for another year...

I wonder, as we conclude this Season of Anticipation of His Return, what it will take for my Brothers and Sisters in the "church world" to wake up to the truth of The Jewish Roots of the Faith...what it will take for Churches and their Pastors to actually honor His Appointed Times as His Word teaches...Churches and Pastors like to say that they 'follow the Word'...but do they? Many do not when it comes to Israel and obeying His Word and Teachings about His Feasts...

A friend called tonight to tell me that he was told that where we worship is not a 'Zionist Church'...I am not sure what that statement means, but I do know this...if we are not a "Zionist Church" we better become one - and quickly!

In all of my years of intense study of The Word of G-d, I find the following to be 100% inerrant:
1) Israel is the Apple of His Eye
2) His Eternal Covenant with Her is just that - ETERNAL
3) His Eternal Covenant Children are The Jews - now and ETERNALLY
4) Israel is His Timepiece for all of His Story: Past, Present and Future
5) He IS Coming Again to STAND on the Temple Mount, the Har HaKodesh, in HIS City, Jerusalem
6) We, His Goy Children, will be judged on HOW we have treated these truths
7) The ONLY People and Nation He has given a command about/to/for is Israel.
B'resheet/Genesis 12:1-4 clearly states that "I will BLESS those who BLESS Israel; and CURSE those who CURSE Her." Look around you to see WHO He is blessing and WHO He is cursing. Pretty easy to decipher....

To me, all the above sounds pretty much like 'Zionism' - the love of The Land of Tzion and Her Children...the Belief and Trust that His Word is Inerrant, Immutable and Eternal...

When you have worshipped in a church that clearly identifies with Israel; honors the Feasts of the L-rd and teaches the Jewish Roots from the Pulpit as well as in Bible Fellowship Classes, it is difficult to settle for less...

Singing and Dancing and Waving Banners in PRAISE to The Most High G-d Of Israel...why is this problematic? If anyone thinks there is not going to be this type of Worship again on the Temple Mount, in the Millennial Temple, I think they better do some soul searching...Davidic Worship is simply brings Honor to G-d and allows His Children to Worship Him in Spirit and in Spirit Filled Joy...why are some so afraid of this? It is numbing and saddens my soul to know that anyone would react to - or be so afraid of - this type of Worship...

HaShem says in Z'kharyah /Zachariah 8:1 that He is 'very zealous over Zion.' If G-d is a Zionist, why would we want to be less?

Blessings and Shalom!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Is Anything Sacred Today?


There are times that one has to stop - and ask themselves hard questions...questions that make oneself look so deeply inside themself that no mask can hide what is seen...I received an email today that brought about one of those moments - and I knew I must share it with you...

As I have spent the last nearly 10 years exhausting myself working for and with Israel both in the USA and in The Land itself, I have seen things that shock me...leave me tired and weary...depressed and frustrated...I pretty much now take that aspect of my work in stride - and am usually able to get past that emotional feeling as there is not much 'down time' in what we have been called to do...

Today, however, the feeling - reaction - emotional response is different...early this AM I received an email from a very dear Sister in Israel - a women who is and has raised three beautiful daughters - stood side by side with a husband of legendary status - cared for ailing parents and inlaws - all the while serving/working for her Country in ways known to very few...even I do not really know how she serves this Land that we love so dearly...

We email each other of children...husbands and loved ones...updates on our respective lives in our respective Countries...I always know that an email from 'Miss D' will be special - and I immediately open it...we have been corresponding a lot recently...on the horrific betrayal of my nations' leaders against her Country - the Land that G-d so loves - worrying as we write to each other about how this betrayal can be reversed, negated, or at least managed going forward...most days I do my best to ENCOURAGE her as I know that she shares my emails/posts/blogs with MANY of our mutual loved ones in The SOMETIMES I try to 'sugar coat' how bad things really are so that she is not any more alarmed than I know she, and those we mutually love, are about the world situation and 'neighborhood' they find themselves surrounded by...

Today, I cannot 'sugar coat' or downplay her contains information that is so hard to evil...that it needed to be shared with all of you who read my blogs...

Amazon, that web/internet giant that all of us use for multiple purposes and purchases, has sold its' soul to the enemy of G-d and all those G-d loves and gave His Son for...Amazon, that 'household staple' for online shopping, has listed for sale a JIGSAW puzzle that depicts the Ovens at the Crematorium in the Nazi Death Camp of Dachau...not only does this jigsaw puzzle depict two Ovens at Dachau where the bodies of Jewish Men, Women and Children were BURNED, it shows Prisoners lined up in front of these Ovens - waiting to put the bodies of these murdered Jewish Men, Women and Children - into the Ovens themselves...this 252 piece jigsaw puzzle is being SOLD on Amazon 's AMERICAN website for $24.99...

Do you wonder how many of these "Nazi Ovens Jigsaw Puzzle' have been sold? Do you wonder WHO would buy such a horrific thing? Do you ALLOW yourself to STOP AND THINK what this SAYS and MEANS about OUR WORLD and the EVIL WE HAVE ALLOWED to permeate it? Do you recall elections for School Boards where men and women who have little or no foundational faith in the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov were 'elected' and who then were able to implement an educational philosophy that is VASTLY different than what the WORD OF G-D STATES? Do you recall voting for Politicians and Judges whose AGENDA is 360 degrees OPPOSITE of what THE ONE TRUE G-D DECLARES IS GOOD AND/OR EVIL? Do you recall thinking ' as long as this is not in my backyard, it is not my worry?' Do you recall NOT doing anything when JUDGES LEGISLATED THEIR OWN POLICY AND OVERTURNED THE WILL OF WE THE PEOPLE? Do you recall STANDING UP FOR LIFE and MARRIAGE AS G-D'S WORD ORDAINES? Do you recall SHYING AWAY from that 'very tough discussion' with a loved one or friend who CHOSE to DISOBEY G-D'S WORD and engage in SEXUAL ACTIVITIES that are VERY DEFINITELY IDENTIFIED AS VIOLATIONS OF HIS WILL AND WORD? The list of "DO YOU'S" could go on and on...we EACH have done exactly what I just wrote...

Well, NOW we have a man and administration that has FOMENTED EVERY EVIL UNDER THE SUN...MANDATING that Business/Government/Academia PROVIDE medical coverage that VIOLATES THE WORD OF G-D those of us who TRY TO LIVE BY HIS WORD OBEY...REDEFINING "MARRIAGE" to INCLUDE SAME SEX INDIVIDUALS...FORCING "DIVERSITY" training/implementation on EVERY SEGMENT of society cloaked in the guise of 'inclusion' -- while all the while REALLY promoting ACTIONS that The Word of G-d CLEARLY teach are WRONG...and then LABELING men and women like me who speak up and stand up for G-D'S WORD as  "homophobes" and 'intolerant' and 'haters' and other such nasty titles that they love to throw at us...all the while THEY are the INTOLERANT ONES and the HATERS because THEY HATE BEING TOLD that what they do is WRONG according to the Inerrant Word of G-d!


My DEAR Mishpocha! I close as I began...IS NOTHING SACRED TODAY???


Perhaps, if WE, HIS CHILDREN, HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY, HE WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, and HEAL OUR LAND! AND THEN things like this Jigsaw puzzle will NEVER see the light of day!



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ziva Ben Reuven

Shalom, Mispocha!

Today is 26 Av, 5772....on the Gregorian Calendar it is August 14...Eighty years ago today, August 14, 1932, a remarkable woman was born...Ziva Ben Reuven is a legendary figure in the world of Israel that I work with and for...She is a true Sabra...born and raised in The Land of Eretz Yisrael...daughter of Russian parents who, by the grace of G-d, had come to Israel before the Horrors of the Holocaust swept Europe...

Ziva's life story is the 'stuff of legends'...I have encouraged her to write her story and put it into book form so that her grandchildren and the multiple thousands of lives she has touched, will have a record of this extraordinary life...I certainly want a copy of it even though her stories are pretty indeligibly etched in my heart's mind...

Speak to her of 'Golda' as folks like Ziva who knew and worked with her called Israel's first and only Female Prime Minister...ask her to tell you of the mission she was sent on by 'Golda' when the famous 3AM phone call was placed to President Nixon as Israel was under attack by those bent then - and now - on Her destruction...

Ask her to tell you of the Palmach and Haganah...and Uncles and a dear Husband who fought in these pre-IDF organizations...of the death of a beloved Uncle killed by arab terrorists as he fought to defend his Land...She will tell you of a night that there was music in the home which suddenly stopped when the news of the murder of this beloved Uncle was brought to them...

Music has played a very important part of this woman's life...a beloved husband who could play nearly any instrument given him...a son whose piano abilities and beautiful singing would have probably led him to a musical career had not the Yom Kippur War drawn him into the IDF, where he would rise to become one of the ONLY 20 Major Generals that Israel has ever had...she will tell you of a third generation of music that was birthed into a beautiful little 'porcelain doll' as the beautiful daughter of this famous Major General is called...

Israel owes much to this woman...she has given over 60 years of her life to raise monies and awareness for it...travelling back and forth across the Atlantic and all over the world in her quest for foundational support of this Land of G-d...she also gave an Uncle, a husband, and has shared her only child - Major General Eyal Ben Reuven - with this Land...

Many times when I introduce Ziva before she speaks to audiences I have shared her with, I begin to list all her accomplishments and legendary feats...then when she comes to the microphone, she simply says: 'I am a Mother of a Major General in the IDF'...she views her primary role as being the Mother of this highly decorated IDF Major General...

On this day that G-d brought into His World a woman named Ziva Ben Reuven, a life began that would touch so many and do so much for His Eternal Covenant Land and Children...and now, eighty years later, she is as youthful and full of passion and energy as ever...I am deeply thankful to The Most High G-d of Israel that He allowed me to meet and become friends with this woman...together, she a Jew and I a Christian Zionist, are working side by side to do all we can to build a solid bridge of mutual support and trust between His True Children:Jews and Christians...the Journey of my life is much sweeter because of this wonderful woman!

Mazl Tov, my dear Sister! Kol Ha Kavod! May you have many more! And may we, together, live to see the Messiah come to His Temple Mount in His Eternal City, Jerusalem! Many Prayers and MUCH LOVE and SHALOM!