Friday, August 27, 2010

Even The Stones Cry Out


Today is Elul 17, 5770. We are only 13 days from Rosh HaShanah...the Feast of Trumpets...the 4th of the 7 Moedim/Appointed Times "Feasts of the L-rd" that HaShem commanded ALL mankind EVERYWHERE...for ALL meet with HIM...sometimes when I contemplate the Jewish Roots of the Faith that I spend hours studying and trying to share with all those I meet, I wonder HOW will it ever be that the "Church World" will come to fully understand what the writings of Vayikra/Leviticus 23:23 mean for US as Christians...this passage records what G-d spoke to Moshe about this Feast of Trumpets...the entire 23rd chapter of Vayikra/Leviticus records what the Moedim/Appointed Times "Feasts of the L-rd" mean and how they are to be HIS TIMES that HE commands US to meet with HIM...these Feasts are such a representation and fulfillment of the entire story that G-d has written in every element of His Creation...they each correspond to a particular agricultural season...a particular sacrificial system...a memorial of the Shed Blood of The Lamb Slain From The Foundation Of The World...and they are each perfectly and symmetrically shown in The Heavens by the rotations and placement of the very Universe that He is totally overwhelming...there is no answer for any of it without Him...

Tonight Bill and I were driving home just as it began to really become "dusk" and the Shabbat begin...we were sitting at a red light right next to a large Cemetery...I looked at all the graves and headstones I saw from my window and thought: what will it be like when He Comes and EVERY grave - since the foundation of the Earth - is opened and EVERYONE on the Earth and IN the SEA is resurrected to face Their Creator...The Word tells us that "Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is L-rd" - then I looked up at the sky and tried to imagine it being filled from end to end with the billions of individuals who will be watching Adonai as His Presence fills the Heavenly Temple of G-d from one end to the can we even imagine what that will be like...every soul ever created from Alef to the Tav of the World crying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY to Him Who IS and Who WAS and Who HAS COME! All Glory to Him!

It's fitting that this Shabbat there is a Miracle to report from The Land He Loves and Calls The Apple of His Eye...out of the ashes of the Holocaust has come a most amazing story...while Anne Frank and her family were in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam, a Chestnut Tree was the only sight that greeted this young woman became her sustenance until these murderers from hell killed her and her family in the crematoriums of Hitler's Hell...this tree that she memorialized in her Diary just recently was decayed and had rotted through...inside the tree trunk was a seedling of this tree that had seen the deportation of so many of Holland's Jews including Anne Frank...and here is where the miracle begins...over 65 years after the murder of over 6 million Jews, life is being reborn...allow me to write exactly what was shared with me by one of the modern day Lions and Lionesses of Judah to whom G-d has bestowed this miraculous his own words:

"My name is Nati Yeyni, and I am a history teacher at the "Ohel Shem" high school in Ramat Gan, Israel. Around the date when the intention to cut down the Anne Frank tree was made public, I was teaching in my class the subject of The Holocaust, and, as part of it, the story of Anne Frank. The subject of the Holocaust is regularly taught here every year in the 11th and 12th grade. I thought the possibility of bringing a shoot from the Chestnut Tree to Israel with the intention to emphasize, on the one hand, the Holocaust, and on the other, Zionism and the revival that may be expressed through the planting of the shoot in Israeli soil.

This was an opportunity for me to teach the subject of the Holocaust in an unusual way. The idea of integrating students into the project of bringing the tree to Israel, planting it and growing it, with all the importance and the message represented and symbolized by this tree, is an interesting, fascinating way to pass on the remembrance of the Holocaust.

I managed to include four seventeen-year old students in this undertaking: Liron Tzemach, Ofir Look, Liran Shapira and Orin Shayek (the four students enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces during the last month). We contacted two renowned professors that were involved in this matter, Prof. Helga Fassbinder and Prof. Arnold Heertje, directly - via email and telephone; these contacts later blossomed into friendships. Thanks to their assistance, we brought the shoot to Israel. The young tree is now quarantined in Beit Dagan. We hope to plant it during a ceremony that will take place in January/February 2011.

As for the place where the tree will be planted: the chestnut tree is a tree that grows in a cold climate, and therefore cannot simply be planted in any place. We therefore chose the community of Ramot Naftali in the Galilee. Yet the central reason for this choice is the fact that Major Eitan Belachsan, who served as Commander of the Paratroopers Reconnaissance Unit of the Israeli Defense Forces, was born and raised in this community. Eitan was killed in battle with Southern Lebanon on 22 February 1999. Throughout his military career, Eitan was an example for his soldiers and required of them the same traits that he required of himself: honesty, meticulousness, reliability, attention to detail, strong self-discipline and striving for excellence. We expect our students to follow these principles and ideals. Eitan symbolizes the fundamental essence of the Israeli experience, and in his death - the ceaseless battl for the protection and existence of the State of Israel.

The connection between the Holocaust and revival, between Anne Frank and Eitan Belachsan, symbolizes most of all the story of the Zionist project. The transition between a helpless and hopeless era in history to one in which the Jewish People controls its own destiny and future, and sends the best of its children to protect its homeland. The Jewish People whose roots are planted in the land of Israel.

The connection with the Belachsan family and the choice for planting the tree was made with the assistance of Brigadier General (ret.) Gal Hirsch, who is personally acquainted with the Belachsan family. Eitan Belachsan was Hirsch's subordinate in the Israeli Defense Forces. Brigadier General (ret.) Gal Hirsch is a Senior Member of the Board of Directors of the Israeli Leadership Institute, located in Sderot. Here is a website that you can access for photos of this miraculous story:

So, on this Shabbat 18 Elul 5770, after all the attempts to destroy His Eternal Covenand Land and Eternal Covenant Children: AM YISRAEL CHAI!

Shabbat Shalom!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

False Prophets


The Church of Yeshua Ha Masiach is under attack. I am not sure if these attacks are worse than when He walked the Earth...but I am sure that they are fierce and unrelenting...and I am sure that it is time the Bride of Messiah stood up and said "Enough!"...we may not be able to stop the attacks as we are told by Yeshua Himself that in the "last days" things would get progressively worse until people cried out for the mountains to fall on I feel as though that is the place we find ourselves...

Men and women who call themselves "Pastors or Prophets" are all the rage in today's church The Book, G-d said that anyone who called himself/herself a Prophet and gave a message of prophecy that never materialized should forfeit his/her life...yet how many such people are there today who speak words they call prophetic with no accountability or consequence for their words...

The "Prosperity Gospel" is preached across the entire spectrum of today's Church goes something like this: "if you give me your money for things I say are important you will reap much more money than you give to me" - or I have even heard some of today's Prosperity Gospel Pastors say "give me your money and when you get home later, you will find all the money you need in your home"....when these poor fools have given all their hard earned monies to these crooks, and return to their homes only to find no such monies waiting for them there, they are told that they must be "sinning" in some area of their lives...or that they didn't "trust" G-d enough to bless them with money...things like my Grandparents Day, it was called "snake oil sales" these Prosperity Gospel pastors make MILLIONS of dollars off their lives of the rich and famous...commit adultery and destroy their homes and families...sell their books and products to those gullible Christians who actually believe these charlatan is unbelievable...and it is deadly...

One of these charlatans, Paula White and her "former" husband Randy White have made a career out of this type of multi level lying...all the while stealing their parishioners monies and running up debts of well over $40 MILLION dollars that their "Church" is supposed to somehow come up with the money to repay...I was in Tampa in 2008 when the "Paula and Randy White" scandal hit...the headlines of the Tampa Tribune on the FRONT PAGE of that paper filled the entire top half of the first page...and the story ran 4-5 FULL PAGES in addition to the front page...complete with photos of their homes and life style living...and of the church they had destroyed with their greed and, today, nearly 2 years later, Paula is all the rage again...she is asked to speak at national conventions as a "Christian Pastor and Author"...she is allowed to "pastor" a church is Randy White...even though they both are divorced several times now...and engaged in "other relationships" as they say...the latest Paula rumor is that she and Benny Hinn...yes, Benny Hinn that world renowned "faith healer" whose life style and parishioner money grabbing schemes make Paula and Randy look like street beggars...THAT Benny Hinn...are rumored to be "keeping company" in some of the exotic far away places that Benny has several of his many homes...alas they were photographed in their rendezvous while "vacationing" together...but it gets even better...they BOTH went to the VATICAN to see THE there's a real can of worms...what do you suppose went on there??? "When in Rome" was the slogan LONG before "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" much for the Vatican's complacency in all these matters...they have long been known to have amassed MULTIPLE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from THEIR parishioners...

There ARE some prophetic voices today with a simple message that I PRAY FERVENTLY is REALLY from G-d...the YOUNG PEOPLE are fed up with "church as it is" and are being filled with the Ruach at a rate that is more rapid than in any time since Messiah walked the earth...the WORD is that these same young people will not put up with this CRAP any longer and WILL restore their worship to the ONE TRUE G-D and HIS WORD...sometime when you have a few minutes, google in the IHOP in Kansas...and WATCH these young people worship...HANDS RAISED...VOICES STRONG IN SONG...PRAISING the G-D of Heaven and Earth and His Son...FALLING to their KNEES in ADORATION to the King of their ALL to Him without reservation...

THESE young worshippers will NOT put up with the lies and stealing and adultery and filth of the "Prosperity Pastors"...their worship will cleanse and renew the Bride...and prepare Her for Her Bridegroom...that is what it is all about...being ready for His Return...I wonder what the "Prosperity Pastors" will do when they see Him? How do you suppose they will explain all the stealing and lies and adultery? Their money and houses and cars will mean nothing then! May it be soon! Even in our Day! In the meantime, watch your wallets!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Reaping what we have sown...


There comes a moment in time when you are faced with the full force of reality...the black and white stand in stark contrast to each other...there is absolutely no gray...I believe we are that moment...staring into the abyss of what has become of our Nation...realizing that it is impossible to restore what has been lost...

September 11 is rapidly approaching...and with it what I believe was the line in the sand that was crossed which has brought us to this precipice...and started our rapid descent into the abyss we now find ourselves free-falling into...

The dye was cast at the National Memorial Service for the victims of this terrorist attack on our Nation...President Bush uttered the lie the first time then...when I heard him say it while watching it on the live TV coverage I thought to myself 'surely I didn't just hear him say that'...then he repeated it several more times in his remarks...obliterating any doubt that my hearing was failing me...

Hitler rose to power based on this same principle: tell a lie often enough and people will believe it...that vile and despicable adage has been replayed many times since this demon from hell spoke has been used for many of the lies governments...corporations...academia...even religionists have indoctrinated their peers always seems to bring about the end results of those initiating it...tell a lie often enough and people will believe it...

The stark truth of this has been laid bare for me this week...the first time when I forced myself to watch 65 photos showing the horrific treatment of women in Afghanistan by the Taliban our US Soldiers are fighting...the second time when the NYC Landmark Commission ruled that a mosque could be built at Ground Zero - and a Jewish Billionaire Mayor not only applauded this decision, but actually lobbied for the decision - ...the third time tonight as I again forced myself to watch a one hour special on the 'honor killing' murder of two sisters by their father in Texas...the common denominator in each of these: Islam...

President Bush was the first President to continually repeat the lie that one of his speechwriters penned for this inauspicious occasion...he is responsible for injecting it into the every day mainstream media...a media who gladly picked up this mantra and has repeated it over and over and over for the last 10 years...until they are so adept at the lie that they can look you straight in the camera eye and repeat it without even a wince...

Today's occupant of the highest office of our Nation never misses a beat when he repeats it...he is the epitome and fulfillment of the lie...and thousands of our fellow citizens here - and peoples of other Nations and Governments around the world - fight to see who can repeat it more often...all of them so glib in their delivery of the lie that it sucks the breath out of your body...

The lie that has been told over and over again until people believe it? That Islam is a religion of peace...

Tell that to the women of Afghanistan and other muslim nations who are forced into 'marriage' at the tender age of 6-9 years of age...who undergo female circumcision...whose 'husbands'...fathers...male family members have the right to physically beat and sexually abuse them...who are forced to wear full body coverings with little or no part of their faces shown...who have no freedoms or rights in any aspect of their lives...and who are stoned to death at the whim of those 'male family members' who no longer find them 'useful' for their 'needs'...

Tell that to the family members of the 3000+ men/women/children murdered by the 9/11 terrorists...who are now faced with the physical, gut-wrenching repulsion of having their murderers attest to their dominance over their victims by building a mosque on the very parcels of land their religious indoctrination destroyed...

Tell that to the American Mother of two teenage daughters whose Egyptian muslim husband abused her physically and sexually for over 20 years...who also sexually abused these two daughters...and then who took them in his cab on New Years Day 2008 and shot them repeatedly for 'dishonoring his family name' because they became 'too Americanized' and were dating non-muslim men...

That is why I said we are on the falling into the abyss...America is becoming inundated with muslim after day we hear of a new 'person of interest' cash pipeline to one of the terror groups around the world...many TRY to warn us...many TRY to showcase the truth about this 'peaceful religion'...many TRY to fight the 'political correctness' that has destroyed our once moral fabric...yet the battle is still being lost...inch by by day....

Can this be true you have I questioned if this could really be true...yet tonight I SAW and HEARD for myself what the SHERIFF of the Texas town where this 'man' brutally murdered these two daughters said...when questioned by the investigative journalist who has covered this story this 'law enforcement officer' had this to say: "who is to say this is an honor killing? what really is an honor killing? if the girls were disobeying their father's rules there are consequences...we only have the word of the Mother that this was an honor do we know he really killed these girls?"...

Strike one...two to go...

The FBI initially labeled this an "honor killing" and put the father on the Most Wanted List...two days after identifying this as an 'honor killing' those very words were REMOVED from the Most Wanted Poster...the investigative journalist was told that they did not want to 'offend the greater muslim community'...the FBI REFUSED to comment on this case for the one hour special that aired tonight on FOX...

Strike to go...

There was a 911 call made by one of the daughters as their father was shooting them...he shot them each over 11 times at point blank range in his can hear the girl crying...begging her 'father' to stop shooting them...she tells the 911 dispatcher that her 'father' is killing the 911 dispatcher asks her for clarification the only sound you hear is this young woman saying "I am dying'' and the other sister still begging her 'father' to stop...then the line goes dead...

Bear these stories in mind when you consider WHO to vote for in November...when you get emails from me that are painfully hard for me to write and you to read...when you hear about Rifqa Barry being TERRIFIED to go back to her 'parents' as she KNOWS she will be killed EXACTLY as these young women were...when you see or hear this administration speaking about ANYTHING...

The lie has been told over and over...people all around us only want to play with their various and one wants to be bothered with this type of news...they are not concerned about this...they don't think it can 'happen in America'...which is the reaction the great lie always produces...while the cesspool gets bigger and bigger...political correctness shuts peoples' mouths...lets them avert their eyes...Truth is lost...Evil wins out...

Strike three...we, as a Nation are out.