Tuesday, June 7, 2011



It is Shavuot, Sivan 6, 5771...

The Feast of Weeks...The Fourth of the Spring Feasts of The Lord...

The "Early Rains" spoken of by the Prophet Yoel/Joel...

The Third of the Regallim MOEDIM/Appointed Times that HaShem commanded "all men to appear before Me in the Temple in Jerusalem"...

Shavuot is often referred to as the "Second Giving of the Law"...the "First Giving of the Law" was at Mt. Sinai when YHWH thundered with fire from His Throne Room and gave Moshe the Ten Words/Ten Commandments...On Shavuot that year that Yeshua was Crucified and Resurrected, Flames of Fire appeared over the heads of His Talmidim as they were "assembled in Shlomo's Colonade" as the three Regallim Feasts (Pesach/Shavuot/Succoth) prescribed they must...those who saw these "Flames of Fire" appear over the heads of His Followers thought they were "drunk" but Kefa replied that "this is only the third hour" of the day, we are not drunk with wine"...the Brit Hadassah records in The Acts of The Apostles that 3000 Jewish men were immersed that Day...acknowledging that Yeshua was The Messiah...and doing t'shuvah/repentance for the past sins of their lives...countless thousands of others witnessed these "Flames of Fire" falling upon the heads of the Talmidim...The Ruach was poured out that day upon mankind...and The Comforter has been with us ever since...

Let us reflect on this "Outpouring" that G-d sent to us that Shavuot...and let us affirm with the multiple thousands of our Brothers and Sisters who have staked their Eternal Salvation on the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yeshua, that He alone is King of Kings and Lord of Lords of our lives!

Chag Sameach!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Kfar Nachum


Israel is suffering...the Land that G-d calls "The Apple of His Eye" is being assaulted from every corner of the Earth...from the betrayal of the current USA administration to the planned "naksa day" of the arab world on June 5, Her enemies are in full battle array against His Eternal Covenant Children...it is heartbreaking to those of us who love Her so...

One of the Daily Devotionals I use wrote about an article "Two Tales of One City" in which the story of Jonah was recounted...Jonah is the Prophet of G-d who was told by HaShem to "go to Nineveh and proclaim repentance" to those living there...Jonah was so dismayed at this command that he literally ran the other way...all the way to the belly of the great whale...

The prophet Nahum - the sequel to Jonah if you will - ministered in Nineveh 100 years after Jonah had proclaimed repentance to this Assyrian city...but this time the Ninevites had no interest in repenting...Nahum 1:3 tells us: "The L-rd is slow to anger and great in power, and will not acquit the wicked." But he further states in Nahum 1:7 "The L-rd is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him." In between those verses is a very vivid portrayal of G-d and His Character...Nahum 1:2-6 "G-d is jealous, and the L-rd avenges and is furious. The L-rd will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserves His wrath for His enemies; the L-rd is slow to anger and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked. The L-rd has His way in the whirlwind and the storm, and the clouds are the dust of His feet. He rebukes the sea and makes it dry, and dries up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel wither, and the flower or Lebanon wilts. The mountains quake before Him, the hills melt, and the earth heaves at His presence, yes the world and all who dwell in it. Who can stand before His indignation? And who can endure the fierceness of His anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by Him. The L-rd is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. But with an overflowing flood He will make an utter end of its place, and darkness will pursue His enemies."

The Hebrew translation of Nahum means "consolation." The prophetic word given by HaShem above would have brought comfort to the Children of Israel because it described G-d's judgment upon their ancient enemy: Assyria; and the city of Nineveh. Some things never change...Syria today is an enemy of Israel...terrorists thrive there and launch many attacks on Israel from within its' boundaries...

The village of Kfar Nachum is called Capernaum by the Christian World...now that we are returning to the very Jewish Roots of our Faith, we refer to this town by its' Hebraic name...Kfar Nachum...this is where Yeshua taught so often...returned to time and again to be refreshed...walked and lived among its residents...performed so many miracles and housed His public ministry...it was a fishing village - "I will make you 'fishers of men' He taught" - this is Kfar Nachum...Kfra Nachum means in Hebrew: village of Nahum...many believe that Kfar Nachum was the hometown of this Prophet...

Just as the book that bears his name records: "The L-rd will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserves wrath for His enemies" so too will the Creator G-d - the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov - this SOVREIGN G-D wil bring recompense on those who seek to destroy His Land and harm His Children.

There is JUDGMENT forthe unrepentant; but MERCY for the repentant! How do each of us respond to Him?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Enlarge The Place Of Your Tent


We are Counting The Omer! Today is S'fiyrat meOmer 29/May 18. The 49 Days Plus One between HaBikkurim/FirstFruits Resurrection of Yeshua Ha Masiach to Shavuot/Pentecost...

Vayikra/Leviticus 23:10-11 records: "Speak to the sons of Yis'rael and you will say to them, 'When you come into the land which I am giving to you, and have reaped its' harvest, and brought in the OMER/SHEAF - the beginning of your harvest to the cohen - then he will WAVE THE OMER BEFORE ADONAI for your acceptance.'"

The sons of Yis'rael were freed from slavery in Mitz'rayim/Egypt. Adonai brought them out of bondage to fulfill His Promise - to deliver the sons of Yis'rael into the Land of their Fathers. There, Yis'rael would find an abundant country that would yield its plentiful crops in season.

After forty years in the Desert, eating nothing but manna, surely the sons of Yis'rael were anxious to taste the fruit of that first harvest. But Adonai gave one requirement regarding the harvest: both that first year, and every Spring thereafter, Yis'rael was to bring an OMER from the harvest to the cohen. Accompanied by GRAIN and BURNT offerings, the OMER was to be presented to Adonai - a SACRIFICE OF THANKS for a rich season of bountiful harvest!

But this was not jut to be any OMER - it was to be from "the beginning of your harvest." Before even tasting the first harvest of the year, Yis'rael was to bring th FIRST SHEAF to Adonai! It could not be held back or used for any other purpose; and no other OMER could take its place. The first OMER was the harvest's special representative, reserved for Adonai alone!

When the OMER was brought to the cohen, he ws to "wave the OMER before Adonai." By lifting up the harvest's representative OMER to The L-rd, it became a symbolic offering for the entire harvest "for your acceptance..." In order for Yis'rael to be acceptablet to Adonai, an offering for the harvest - a specially dedicated offering - had to be made.

During this season, we we count from the day the FIRST OMER was to be waved, let us also allow ourselves to be waved before Adonai s the first of a great harvest yet to come! Let us not hold ourselves back or devote ourselves to some other purpose, but be fully dedicated to Adonai, than an abundant crop may be harvested through us! As Yeshua's special representatives, may we be lifted up and waved before Adonai for all the peoples - first the Jew, and then for the Nations - for the reaping of the harvest,and for our acceptance!

On this 28 day of Counting the Omer, the L-rd is exhorting us to "Enlarge the place of your tent, and the curtain of your dwelling places - stretch them out!" He wants us to have the faith to make more room than we know what to do with, so that HE can fill it up to overflowing! He wants us to stretch out what we already have, with the faith that our tents will no longer be filled up with more of the same junk! He says, "restrain not" - don't hold back your faith - and He will not hold back His Blessings from you!

Pray in agreement with me: Adonai, My G-d, pour out YOUR Blessings upon me, as I stretch otu my faith to receive them. Show me how to restrain myself no longer, so that I can make room in my life for only You. Push out the things that I have been unable to get rid of on my own, so that You alone can fill my life in ways I could never have imagined. I praise you, Adonai, for the faith to receive Your blessings! I enlarge my tent for You tody, my Master - fill it up to overflowing!

The Brit Hadassah reading for today was from Yochanan 5: 31-47 and is very appropriate for the Season of the Omer Counting! Yeshua is talking with the religious leaders about why they would not accept Him as Messiah. Amazingly He tells them that there are FIVE testimonies of Him that they all were were taught were "SIGNS OF THE MESSIAH" -
1. Yochanan the Immerser was the FORERUNNER as prophesied; and spoke of Yeshua as "The One" Who would be the Lamb of G-d
2. The WORKS that Yeshau did were clearly the works identified with Messiah: healing the sick; raising the dead; giving sight to the blind; causing the lame to walk
3. G-d, The FATHER, Who sent Messiah Yeshua, TESTIFIED concerning Yeshua that He was the Messiah, His Son "in whom He is well pleased" at his Immersion and at the Mount of Transfiguration
4. The very WORDS of the Scriptures spoke clearly about Messiah; Who He would be/was
5. MOSHE clearly spoke of the Messiah; and the Jewish leaders all believed Moshe's writings and words

All these "SIGNS" clearly pointed to and identified Yeshua as The Messiah of Israel. On this 29th Day of the Counting of the Omer, let us respond in full faith and assurance to Our Messiah; and bow our knees in honor and worship to Him Who Was and Is and Is To Come!

Blessings and Shalom!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

His Name is Wonderful!

Shalom, Chaverim!

I pray that your Shabbat was restful and renewing! Do allow yourselves to take time to rest and be refreshed! His Word clearly teaches that we must set apart time to renew and rest...and to fellowship with Him...

I am often asked "what do I do about Shabbat since I am an Evangelical Christian Zionist?" My answer is simply this: Bill and I worship at either Jersey Baptist Church (our OHIO Home Church) or at First Baptist Church Naples (our FLORIDA Home Church) each week as His Word Commands... that we assemble ourselves together to Worship the G-d of Israel as His Word teaches...we are not to forget the assembling of ourselves together weekly for He INHABITS our Praise of Him and tells us that HE is in our midst as we gather together to worship Him....

While in FLORIDA, we worship at First Baptist Church Naples on Saturday night as the Shabbat draws to a close...it is a wonderful time of singing and praising Him Who So Loved Us that He Gave us HIS SON as the Sacrifice Lamb prepared from the beginning of time...prepared to be our "substitution" for the penalty of sin...that as the "Firstborn Lamb without spot or blemish" He would be slain as our Sacrifice...so that with His Blood we are washed as the Tehelim/Psalm 51 records with 'hyssop' - as His Jewish brothers and sisters were on the night when the Male Lamb was slain and the "blood dipped in hyssop" was used to mark the Lintel of each Jewish Home...sparing that home from the Death Angel who would strike the Firstborn of each Egyptian home...the final of the Ten Plagues that HaShem decreed against Pharaoh...proving His Sovereignty over the "gods of Egypt"...this act and symbolism prefigured the Fully Exacting Sacrifice that HaShem would accept from His Son...who, exactly as Avraham offered Yitzchak, The Father offered as the Substitution for the sins of the very World He had created...the Lamb Slain From The Foundation of the World...

One of the most amazing aspects of that "blood marking" on the Lintels of each Jewish Home in Mitzrayim/Egypt is this: the LINTEL of each home formed a perfect HEY - the EXACT SAME HEBREW LETTER that is used for HIS SACRED NAME: Yud HEY Vav HEY...the MOST HOLY NAME of our Creator G-d!

While in OHIO we worship on at Jersey Baptist Church on Sunday AM...the SECOND WATCH of the Day...when according to historical Biblical teaching, we are to pray for an outpouring of grace and supplication in our personal lives and for our Nation...we are also to repent during this time on behalf of His Body...His Church...praying that a greater love of G-d will spring forth through ourselves and His Body...His Church to the "spiritually lost" in our Nation...

The Prayer Watches are so important...we miss so much of the tremendous blessings and benefits of the Most High G-d because we fail to pray in these Seasons of Prayer...the Prayer Watches of the Night and the Prayer Watches of the Day...take a few minutes as each of these Prayer Watches of the Night and Day unfold and speak to Him in Prayer...thanking Him for allowing us to approach His Throne in Prayer...pray specifically for your loved ones and every aspect of your life at these times...and pray Intercessory Prayer for those He has placed on your heart...we "speak His Words" into the atmosphere and it is an offering of sweet smelling incense to Him...we are told that every word we speak is recorded...that thought should really change the way we speak to anyone...let alone to Him...

Speak to Him using His Names...they are AMAZING beyond anything we could comprehend...

His Name is WONDERFUL...in Hebrew the word "Wonderful" is pronounced PELI...there are only two times in the entire Hebrew Scriptures that this EXACT form of the Hebrew is used: in Shoftim/Judges Manoah asks of the Angel of YUD HEY VAV HEY: "What is Your Name?" But the Angel said to him, 'why do you ask My Name, seeing that it is WONDERFUL?'" Shoftim/Judges 13:17-18...

The second time this EXACT form of the Hebrew is used is in Tehelim/Psalm 139:5-6: "You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your Hand upon me. Such knowledge is too WONDERFUL (Peli: PEY LAMED ALEF YUD) for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it."

As Keith Johnson writes: "It is amazing that THE EL WHO WORKS WONDERS reserved this word of WONDER (Peli: PEY LAMED ALEF YUD) for His Name and His Knowledge. He chooses who, where, when, why and how to reveal His Name!

Isn't is knee bending to know that HE allows US to call HIM - YUD HEY VAV HEY - the G-D OF CREATION - by HIS WONDERFUL NAME?

Blessings to you and your loved ones as you dwell on His WONDERFUL Name!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Lord, The Lord God!


The Name of G-d shown today is so powerful...as we enter this Shabbat on Sh'vat 2, 5771, let us bow before Him in Praise of His Name!

Yud Hey Vav Hey, Yud Hey Vav Hey, Alef Lamed

If you are following the Torah Portion readings of the Word of G-d, you know that the Sh'mot/Exodus is being recorded by the Hand of G-d through His Servant and Scribe, Moshe...G-d had clearly and specifically "called Moshe out" to bring the Children He Called His Own out of the Land of Mitz'rayim/Egypt...and to lead them to The Land that He promised these Ivyrim/Hebrew Children that He was giving them for all Eternity...

The story of the Sh'mot/Exodus of 2-3 Million Hebrew Men, Women and Children from one nation - Mitz'rayim/Egypt - to another - Yisrael/Israel - is recorded in great detail in the Torah. G-d said that not ONE "Yod or Tittle" would pass away...and that He would bring every Promise made about His Land and Eternal Covenant Children to pass exactly as He said He would...

The plagues He visited upon Mitzrayim/Egypt were so severe that the entire Nation was destroyed...G-d's choice of these plagues were critical - they proved His Dominance as the Creator and G-d of Israel over the false gods these Egyptians worshipped...each of whom was represented by one of the plagues that destroyed their Nation...

If you read the "behind the scenes news stories" of today's world, there are suddenly many similarities, ie: millions of fish are washing up on multiple shores around the world - DEAD...multiple thousands of birds are falling from the skies - DEAD...whales and frogs are washing up on shores around the world - DEAD...something is going. in the Animal World..there is no natural explanation for any of this...to many, it evokes thoughts of the Tribulation Period that is to come upon the Earth prior to the Second Coming of Messiah...we are told in The Revelation that "one third of the living things in the seas will die"...each day as His Clock ticks, the Second Hand that moves closer and closer to the Midnight Hour is Israel...She is HIS timepiece...we must watch Her to see Him...

"And Moshe said, "Please, show me Your Glory..." and Adonai passed over before Moshe's face, and proclaimed, YUD HEY VAV HEY, YUD HEY VAV HEY, ALEF LAMED: ADONAI, ADONAI EL, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abundant in loving-kindness and truth, keeping loving-kindness for thousands, taking away iniquity and transgression and sin, but not entirely acquitting...charging the iniquity of fathers on their children..." And Moshe/Mem Shin Hey hastened and bowed to the earth and worshipped and said, "If, please, I have found favor in Your eyes Adonai, let Adonai please, go in our midst even though they are a stiff necked people - and You, forgive our iniquity and our sin, and take us as your own."
Sh'mot/Exodus 33:18; 34:6-9

Show me your Glory, "ADONAI, ADONAI EL"

Shabbat Shalom!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ADONAI - The One Name


Blessings upon you today as you read the first of His Names that He has shared with us! We are His Children, created in His Image, to bring Honor and Joy to His Name!

Z'kharyah/Zechariah 14:9:
" In that day, YHVH will be King over all the earth; in that day YHVH will be ONE and His Name ONE" (emphasis mine)

Yesha'Yahu/Isaiah 29:18 & 23:
And on that day, the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see...But when he (Ya'akov/Jacob) sees his children, the word of My Hands in his midst, they will sanctify My Name.....

As we begin to study His Names, it is evident that we cannot rely on our English translations of His Word alone...it is imperative that we examine the Hebrew Heritage of our Faith as Goy Believers in Messiah Yeshua...our Jewish Roots of the Faith...it is encouraging to me as a teacher of the Jewish Roots of the Faith that so many others are awakening to the fact that Old Covenant/Testament and Hebrew matters are not 'optional' things to discuss...but are the bedrock foundation upon which our faith as Christians rests...we must, as John Bright so forcefully announced, claim that the Old Covenant/Testament exactly as the New Covenant/Testament did, for it belongs to us Goy Believers no less than it did - and does - belong to Israel....

Christianity arose on JEWISH soil...Yeshua was born a Jew...He and His Talmidim spoke ARAMAIC, a language related to the Hebrew language...they were firmly rooted in the Old Covenant/Testament and lived in its world of images...the Hebrew language is the Language of G-d...no one can clearly understand the Scriptures without understanding what the Hebrew words mean...every one of the writers of the Holy Word of G-d were Jews - including Dr. Luke, the scribe of the New Covenant Book Acts of the Talmidim, who many have reported became a proselyte Jew who believed Yeshua was The Messiah...it is impossible to understand what His Divine, Inerrant, Immutable Word means without knowing what the Hebrew writers meant when they wrote His Words...

We are taught to pray:

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! "Hear Israel, The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One!"

His Name is ADONAI

Yod Hey Vav Hey
"Let them know that YOU, Whose Name is The LORD - that YOU Alone are the MOST HIGH G-D over all the earth!
Tehellim/Psalm 83:18

Sing praises to His Name today! He delights in our Praise of Him! Find your rest and peace and joy in His Presence! Adonai: every knee will bow to you, L-rd Most High!

Hineyni ADONAI!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

His Hallowed Name

"A good name is to be desired more than great wealth" Proverbs 22:1

For some time now, G-d has been speaking to me about His Name. Over the years of studying to understand the Jewish Roots of the Faith, I have learned that He sends direct and specific messages to me about what He wants me to learn personally...and then share with others...this is certainly the case with His Name...

I began to notice the signs that there was something He was directing me to last Spring...a series of books began to come across my radar screen...they would come into view in different ways...on a Facebook page...in my morning devotional times...in the Publix Book Carousel by the Deli...in Airport Book Carousels...I ordered the first one of them: Intimate Moments with the Hebrew Names of G-d by Barrie Cae Mallin...then another one...then another one...then another one...until I had 4 books about His Name...they were all stacked up on my kitchen table with my daily devotional books and Bibles...I began to read Barrie Cae's Name of G-d one each AM and write the Hebrew letters for that particular Name of G-d underneath the English translation as a means of practicing my very limited Hebrew...

I knew that He wanted me to study these books and learn His Names...and I prayed about it and thought about it...but did nothing else about it all summer and fall...blaming the fact that I was so swamped with work and travel and all that entailed that I didn't have time for such a focused study...but I couldn't stop thinking about this subject and knew that He wanted me to delve into this...the subject matter would come up repeatedly...nearly every week something would "hit me" that dealt with His Name...as 2010 drew to a close I knew that I could no longer put this off...two final pieces of the puzzle were sent to me: the calendar that I use yearly is from The Galilee Experience...a Jewish Roots of the Faith Ministry in Israel...the order form for the 2011 Calendar came across my desktop...it is simply entitled: The Names of G-d...and each of the 12 Months is identified by a different name of G-d with beautiful artwork to correspond...then I read of a book by Keith Johnson entitled: His Hallowed Name Revealed Again...and I said "YES, L-rd" I will do as You have been instructing me for these past 10 months...

That is why you are getting this first blog of 2011: I am going to share His Names through this blog...one at a time...allowing each of you who read this to dwell on these Names in your own quiet time...it is time that those of us who call Him our Father show the respect and reverence due Him and His Name...and learn more about him through the study of each of these marvellous names by which He is known - or by which He calls Himself! After all, a person's name means something...describes a particular character trait of that individual...reveals who he or she really is...Our Creator G-d knows each of us by our names...shouldn't we know Him by His Names?

Tonight I will quote from "His Hallowed Name Revealed Again" by Keith Johnson...

Open your English Bible and look at the first 4 words of B'resheet/Genesis 1:3-'Let there be Light' ... Are you amazed and moved to worship? This English translation conceals the connection to the Hebrew Name of our Heavenly Father that is revealed in 1,574 pages of the HEBREW Bible...in these 1,574 pages of the HEBREW Bible there are 6,828 times that the name Yud Hey Vav Hey appears...this means that you can come across His Holy Name an average of 4 times per page of the Hebrew Bible...

This same Hebrew Name was taught to Moshe while standing at the Burning Bush...this same Hebrew Name was taught to millions of Jewish Men and Women standing at the base of Mt. Sinai when HaShem SPOKE HIS NAME for all to hear...in Sh'mot/Exodus 20:2 He says: I am The L-rd Your G-d"...do you see this

This same Hebrew Name was spoken in Hebrew by Yeshua who taught people on a mountainside 2000 years ago to pray: "Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be YOUR NAME"...

This same Hebrew Name that was introduced in Heaven and taught on earth was placed in JERUSALEM and is still there today..."In THIS HOUSE and in JERUSALEM which I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel, I WILL PLACE MY NAME FOREVER." M'lakhim Bet/2 Kings 21:7

As you think on this first of His Names, know that He is ZEALOUS OVER ZION and DWELLS in JERUSALEM!

Sing Praises to Yud Hey Vav Hey who dwells in Zion! Psalm 9:11