Sunday, January 9, 2011

His Name is Wonderful!

Shalom, Chaverim!

I pray that your Shabbat was restful and renewing! Do allow yourselves to take time to rest and be refreshed! His Word clearly teaches that we must set apart time to renew and rest...and to fellowship with Him...

I am often asked "what do I do about Shabbat since I am an Evangelical Christian Zionist?" My answer is simply this: Bill and I worship at either Jersey Baptist Church (our OHIO Home Church) or at First Baptist Church Naples (our FLORIDA Home Church) each week as His Word Commands... that we assemble ourselves together to Worship the G-d of Israel as His Word teaches...we are not to forget the assembling of ourselves together weekly for He INHABITS our Praise of Him and tells us that HE is in our midst as we gather together to worship Him....

While in FLORIDA, we worship at First Baptist Church Naples on Saturday night as the Shabbat draws to a is a wonderful time of singing and praising Him Who So Loved Us that He Gave us HIS SON as the Sacrifice Lamb prepared from the beginning of time...prepared to be our "substitution" for the penalty of sin...that as the "Firstborn Lamb without spot or blemish" He would be slain as our that with His Blood we are washed as the Tehelim/Psalm 51 records with 'hyssop' - as His Jewish brothers and sisters were on the night when the Male Lamb was slain and the "blood dipped in hyssop" was used to mark the Lintel of each Jewish Home...sparing that home from the Death Angel who would strike the Firstborn of each Egyptian home...the final of the Ten Plagues that HaShem decreed against Pharaoh...proving His Sovereignty over the "gods of Egypt"...this act and symbolism prefigured the Fully Exacting Sacrifice that HaShem would accept from His Son...who, exactly as Avraham offered Yitzchak, The Father offered as the Substitution for the sins of the very World He had created...the Lamb Slain From The Foundation of the World...

One of the most amazing aspects of that "blood marking" on the Lintels of each Jewish Home in Mitzrayim/Egypt is this: the LINTEL of each home formed a perfect HEY - the EXACT SAME HEBREW LETTER that is used for HIS SACRED NAME: Yud HEY Vav HEY...the MOST HOLY NAME of our Creator G-d!

While in OHIO we worship on at Jersey Baptist Church on Sunday AM...the SECOND WATCH of the Day...when according to historical Biblical teaching, we are to pray for an outpouring of grace and supplication in our personal lives and for our Nation...we are also to repent during this time on behalf of His Body...His Church...praying that a greater love of G-d will spring forth through ourselves and His Body...His Church to the "spiritually lost" in our Nation...

The Prayer Watches are so important...we miss so much of the tremendous blessings and benefits of the Most High G-d because we fail to pray in these Seasons of Prayer...the Prayer Watches of the Night and the Prayer Watches of the Day...take a few minutes as each of these Prayer Watches of the Night and Day unfold and speak to Him in Prayer...thanking Him for allowing us to approach His Throne in Prayer...pray specifically for your loved ones and every aspect of your life at these times...and pray Intercessory Prayer for those He has placed on your heart...we "speak His Words" into the atmosphere and it is an offering of sweet smelling incense to Him...we are told that every word we speak is recorded...that thought should really change the way we speak to anyone...let alone to Him...

Speak to Him using His Names...they are AMAZING beyond anything we could comprehend...

His Name is Hebrew the word "Wonderful" is pronounced PELI...there are only two times in the entire Hebrew Scriptures that this EXACT form of the Hebrew is used: in Shoftim/Judges Manoah asks of the Angel of YUD HEY VAV HEY: "What is Your Name?" But the Angel said to him, 'why do you ask My Name, seeing that it is WONDERFUL?'" Shoftim/Judges 13:17-18...

The second time this EXACT form of the Hebrew is used is in Tehelim/Psalm 139:5-6: "You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your Hand upon me. Such knowledge is too WONDERFUL (Peli: PEY LAMED ALEF YUD) for me; it is too high, I cannot attain to it."

As Keith Johnson writes: "It is amazing that THE EL WHO WORKS WONDERS reserved this word of WONDER (Peli: PEY LAMED ALEF YUD) for His Name and His Knowledge. He chooses who, where, when, why and how to reveal His Name!

Isn't is knee bending to know that HE allows US to call HIM - YUD HEY VAV HEY - the G-D OF CREATION - by HIS WONDERFUL NAME?

Blessings to you and your loved ones as you dwell on His WONDERFUL Name!

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