Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ADONAI - The One Name


Blessings upon you today as you read the first of His Names that He has shared with us! We are His Children, created in His Image, to bring Honor and Joy to His Name!

Z'kharyah/Zechariah 14:9:
" In that day, YHVH will be King over all the earth; in that day YHVH will be ONE and His Name ONE" (emphasis mine)

Yesha'Yahu/Isaiah 29:18 & 23:
And on that day, the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind shall see...But when he (Ya'akov/Jacob) sees his children, the word of My Hands in his midst, they will sanctify My Name.....

As we begin to study His Names, it is evident that we cannot rely on our English translations of His Word alone...it is imperative that we examine the Hebrew Heritage of our Faith as Goy Believers in Messiah Yeshua...our Jewish Roots of the Faith...it is encouraging to me as a teacher of the Jewish Roots of the Faith that so many others are awakening to the fact that Old Covenant/Testament and Hebrew matters are not 'optional' things to discuss...but are the bedrock foundation upon which our faith as Christians rests...we must, as John Bright so forcefully announced, claim that the Old Covenant/Testament exactly as the New Covenant/Testament did, for it belongs to us Goy Believers no less than it did - and does - belong to Israel....

Christianity arose on JEWISH soil...Yeshua was born a Jew...He and His Talmidim spoke ARAMAIC, a language related to the Hebrew language...they were firmly rooted in the Old Covenant/Testament and lived in its world of images...the Hebrew language is the Language of G-d...no one can clearly understand the Scriptures without understanding what the Hebrew words mean...every one of the writers of the Holy Word of G-d were Jews - including Dr. Luke, the scribe of the New Covenant Book Acts of the Talmidim, who many have reported became a proselyte Jew who believed Yeshua was The Messiah...it is impossible to understand what His Divine, Inerrant, Immutable Word means without knowing what the Hebrew writers meant when they wrote His Words...

We are taught to pray:

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! "Hear Israel, The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One!"

His Name is ADONAI

Yod Hey Vav Hey
"Let them know that YOU, Whose Name is The LORD - that YOU Alone are the MOST HIGH G-D over all the earth!
Tehellim/Psalm 83:18

Sing praises to His Name today! He delights in our Praise of Him! Find your rest and peace and joy in His Presence! Adonai: every knee will bow to you, L-rd Most High!

Hineyni ADONAI!!

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