Thursday, October 11, 2012


Shalom, Mishpocha!

The Fall Holy Days...the Fall Feasts of The L-rd...the Moedim that He said all mankind should meet with Him on...these Days are now behind us for another year...

I wonder, as we conclude this Season of Anticipation of His Return, what it will take for my Brothers and Sisters in the "church world" to wake up to the truth of The Jewish Roots of the Faith...what it will take for Churches and their Pastors to actually honor His Appointed Times as His Word teaches...Churches and Pastors like to say that they 'follow the Word'...but do they? Many do not when it comes to Israel and obeying His Word and Teachings about His Feasts...

A friend called tonight to tell me that he was told that where we worship is not a 'Zionist Church'...I am not sure what that statement means, but I do know this...if we are not a "Zionist Church" we better become one - and quickly!

In all of my years of intense study of The Word of G-d, I find the following to be 100% inerrant:
1) Israel is the Apple of His Eye
2) His Eternal Covenant with Her is just that - ETERNAL
3) His Eternal Covenant Children are The Jews - now and ETERNALLY
4) Israel is His Timepiece for all of His Story: Past, Present and Future
5) He IS Coming Again to STAND on the Temple Mount, the Har HaKodesh, in HIS City, Jerusalem
6) We, His Goy Children, will be judged on HOW we have treated these truths
7) The ONLY People and Nation He has given a command about/to/for is Israel.
B'resheet/Genesis 12:1-4 clearly states that "I will BLESS those who BLESS Israel; and CURSE those who CURSE Her." Look around you to see WHO He is blessing and WHO He is cursing. Pretty easy to decipher....

To me, all the above sounds pretty much like 'Zionism' - the love of The Land of Tzion and Her Children...the Belief and Trust that His Word is Inerrant, Immutable and Eternal...

When you have worshipped in a church that clearly identifies with Israel; honors the Feasts of the L-rd and teaches the Jewish Roots from the Pulpit as well as in Bible Fellowship Classes, it is difficult to settle for less...

Singing and Dancing and Waving Banners in PRAISE to The Most High G-d Of Israel...why is this problematic? If anyone thinks there is not going to be this type of Worship again on the Temple Mount, in the Millennial Temple, I think they better do some soul searching...Davidic Worship is simply brings Honor to G-d and allows His Children to Worship Him in Spirit and in Spirit Filled Joy...why are some so afraid of this? It is numbing and saddens my soul to know that anyone would react to - or be so afraid of - this type of Worship...

HaShem says in Z'kharyah /Zachariah 8:1 that He is 'very zealous over Zion.' If G-d is a Zionist, why would we want to be less?

Blessings and Shalom!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Is Anything Sacred Today?


There are times that one has to stop - and ask themselves hard questions...questions that make oneself look so deeply inside themself that no mask can hide what is seen...I received an email today that brought about one of those moments - and I knew I must share it with you...

As I have spent the last nearly 10 years exhausting myself working for and with Israel both in the USA and in The Land itself, I have seen things that shock me...leave me tired and weary...depressed and frustrated...I pretty much now take that aspect of my work in stride - and am usually able to get past that emotional feeling as there is not much 'down time' in what we have been called to do...

Today, however, the feeling - reaction - emotional response is different...early this AM I received an email from a very dear Sister in Israel - a women who is and has raised three beautiful daughters - stood side by side with a husband of legendary status - cared for ailing parents and inlaws - all the while serving/working for her Country in ways known to very few...even I do not really know how she serves this Land that we love so dearly...

We email each other of children...husbands and loved ones...updates on our respective lives in our respective Countries...I always know that an email from 'Miss D' will be special - and I immediately open it...we have been corresponding a lot recently...on the horrific betrayal of my nations' leaders against her Country - the Land that G-d so loves - worrying as we write to each other about how this betrayal can be reversed, negated, or at least managed going forward...most days I do my best to ENCOURAGE her as I know that she shares my emails/posts/blogs with MANY of our mutual loved ones in The SOMETIMES I try to 'sugar coat' how bad things really are so that she is not any more alarmed than I know she, and those we mutually love, are about the world situation and 'neighborhood' they find themselves surrounded by...

Today, I cannot 'sugar coat' or downplay her contains information that is so hard to evil...that it needed to be shared with all of you who read my blogs...

Amazon, that web/internet giant that all of us use for multiple purposes and purchases, has sold its' soul to the enemy of G-d and all those G-d loves and gave His Son for...Amazon, that 'household staple' for online shopping, has listed for sale a JIGSAW puzzle that depicts the Ovens at the Crematorium in the Nazi Death Camp of Dachau...not only does this jigsaw puzzle depict two Ovens at Dachau where the bodies of Jewish Men, Women and Children were BURNED, it shows Prisoners lined up in front of these Ovens - waiting to put the bodies of these murdered Jewish Men, Women and Children - into the Ovens themselves...this 252 piece jigsaw puzzle is being SOLD on Amazon 's AMERICAN website for $24.99...

Do you wonder how many of these "Nazi Ovens Jigsaw Puzzle' have been sold? Do you wonder WHO would buy such a horrific thing? Do you ALLOW yourself to STOP AND THINK what this SAYS and MEANS about OUR WORLD and the EVIL WE HAVE ALLOWED to permeate it? Do you recall elections for School Boards where men and women who have little or no foundational faith in the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov were 'elected' and who then were able to implement an educational philosophy that is VASTLY different than what the WORD OF G-D STATES? Do you recall voting for Politicians and Judges whose AGENDA is 360 degrees OPPOSITE of what THE ONE TRUE G-D DECLARES IS GOOD AND/OR EVIL? Do you recall thinking ' as long as this is not in my backyard, it is not my worry?' Do you recall NOT doing anything when JUDGES LEGISLATED THEIR OWN POLICY AND OVERTURNED THE WILL OF WE THE PEOPLE? Do you recall STANDING UP FOR LIFE and MARRIAGE AS G-D'S WORD ORDAINES? Do you recall SHYING AWAY from that 'very tough discussion' with a loved one or friend who CHOSE to DISOBEY G-D'S WORD and engage in SEXUAL ACTIVITIES that are VERY DEFINITELY IDENTIFIED AS VIOLATIONS OF HIS WILL AND WORD? The list of "DO YOU'S" could go on and on...we EACH have done exactly what I just wrote...

Well, NOW we have a man and administration that has FOMENTED EVERY EVIL UNDER THE SUN...MANDATING that Business/Government/Academia PROVIDE medical coverage that VIOLATES THE WORD OF G-D those of us who TRY TO LIVE BY HIS WORD OBEY...REDEFINING "MARRIAGE" to INCLUDE SAME SEX INDIVIDUALS...FORCING "DIVERSITY" training/implementation on EVERY SEGMENT of society cloaked in the guise of 'inclusion' -- while all the while REALLY promoting ACTIONS that The Word of G-d CLEARLY teach are WRONG...and then LABELING men and women like me who speak up and stand up for G-D'S WORD as  "homophobes" and 'intolerant' and 'haters' and other such nasty titles that they love to throw at us...all the while THEY are the INTOLERANT ONES and the HATERS because THEY HATE BEING TOLD that what they do is WRONG according to the Inerrant Word of G-d!


My DEAR Mishpocha! I close as I began...IS NOTHING SACRED TODAY???


Perhaps, if WE, HIS CHILDREN, HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY, HE WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, and HEAL OUR LAND! AND THEN things like this Jigsaw puzzle will NEVER see the light of day!



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ziva Ben Reuven

Shalom, Mispocha!

Today is 26 Av, 5772....on the Gregorian Calendar it is August 14...Eighty years ago today, August 14, 1932, a remarkable woman was born...Ziva Ben Reuven is a legendary figure in the world of Israel that I work with and for...She is a true Sabra...born and raised in The Land of Eretz Yisrael...daughter of Russian parents who, by the grace of G-d, had come to Israel before the Horrors of the Holocaust swept Europe...

Ziva's life story is the 'stuff of legends'...I have encouraged her to write her story and put it into book form so that her grandchildren and the multiple thousands of lives she has touched, will have a record of this extraordinary life...I certainly want a copy of it even though her stories are pretty indeligibly etched in my heart's mind...

Speak to her of 'Golda' as folks like Ziva who knew and worked with her called Israel's first and only Female Prime Minister...ask her to tell you of the mission she was sent on by 'Golda' when the famous 3AM phone call was placed to President Nixon as Israel was under attack by those bent then - and now - on Her destruction...

Ask her to tell you of the Palmach and Haganah...and Uncles and a dear Husband who fought in these pre-IDF organizations...of the death of a beloved Uncle killed by arab terrorists as he fought to defend his Land...She will tell you of a night that there was music in the home which suddenly stopped when the news of the murder of this beloved Uncle was brought to them...

Music has played a very important part of this woman's life...a beloved husband who could play nearly any instrument given him...a son whose piano abilities and beautiful singing would have probably led him to a musical career had not the Yom Kippur War drawn him into the IDF, where he would rise to become one of the ONLY 20 Major Generals that Israel has ever had...she will tell you of a third generation of music that was birthed into a beautiful little 'porcelain doll' as the beautiful daughter of this famous Major General is called...

Israel owes much to this woman...she has given over 60 years of her life to raise monies and awareness for it...travelling back and forth across the Atlantic and all over the world in her quest for foundational support of this Land of G-d...she also gave an Uncle, a husband, and has shared her only child - Major General Eyal Ben Reuven - with this Land...

Many times when I introduce Ziva before she speaks to audiences I have shared her with, I begin to list all her accomplishments and legendary feats...then when she comes to the microphone, she simply says: 'I am a Mother of a Major General in the IDF'...she views her primary role as being the Mother of this highly decorated IDF Major General...

On this day that G-d brought into His World a woman named Ziva Ben Reuven, a life began that would touch so many and do so much for His Eternal Covenant Land and Children...and now, eighty years later, she is as youthful and full of passion and energy as ever...I am deeply thankful to The Most High G-d of Israel that He allowed me to meet and become friends with this woman...together, she a Jew and I a Christian Zionist, are working side by side to do all we can to build a solid bridge of mutual support and trust between His True Children:Jews and Christians...the Journey of my life is much sweeter because of this wonderful woman!

Mazl Tov, my dear Sister! Kol Ha Kavod! May you have many more! And may we, together, live to see the Messiah come to His Temple Mount in His Eternal City, Jerusalem! Many Prayers and MUCH LOVE and SHALOM!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Measure Of A Man


The Sabbath is concluded and the new 'day' has is
Av 23, 5772...we are drawing closer to Rosh HaShanah as each page of the calendar is turned...

One often wonders 'what is the measure of a man?' What tangibles and intangibles go into articulating what that 'measure' I was blessed to be able to readily see the 'measure of a man' for whom I have enormous respect...his name is Gal Hirsch...actually the name he is known by in Israel is 'Brigadier General (Res.) Depth Corp Commander Gal Hirsch of the Israel Defense Force, the renowned IDF...

The middle daughter his beautiful wife bore to him is a 'sabra' like her Mother and Father...a native-born Israeli young woman who has been raised to understand and respect the HERITAGE of her People, the Eternal Covenant Children of The Most High G-d of Israel...and The Land of G-d that she lives in...

She, like her other two sisters, is a beautiful woman - INSIDE and OUTSIDE...she carries herself with the dignity of knowing WHO she is and WHO she came from...and she does this with PRIDE in the HERITAGE of her renowned family...

This young woman is in Poland now...yes, Poland - that Country which has so much Jewish Blood on its' hands...blood that is never blotted out of the memory of any Jewish Man or Woman worldwide...she was there today - in this blood-soaked County - at Maidanek Death Camp - one of the Death Camps where multiple thousands of her Brothers and Sisters were murdered by the Nazis and those complicit with their horrific determination to annihilate the Jews...

Today, this middle daughter of one of Israel's most beloved and respected IDF Generals and Family, carried the Israeli Flag INTO this Death Camp...a LIVING TESTIMONY to the G-d of Israel and His PROMISED OATH to Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov that HE would give them the LAND OF ISRAEL for ALL ETERNITY and that their descendants would INHABIT and INHERIT this LAND for all Eternity...

Later, she carried the Flag of the Nation of Israel into the remains of the Warsaw Ghetto...into this place where the Jews of Poland FOUGHT TO THE DEATH against the forces of Hell aligned against them...

Then she and her colleagues went to Auschwitz - the vilest of the Death Camps of Hitler - and this is what she did there: she gave a speech to her Israeli colleagues gathered in this Crematorium where multiple thousands of Jews were gassed, tortured, abused, starved and butchered her speech, she spoke the exact same words her Decorated and Revered War Hero Father had spoken to the IDF Cadets of the Israel Officers Academy when he was in Command of the IDF Officers Academy...

While Hitler and the thousands of those like him are in the deepest depths of Hell, this young Israeli Woman, the daughter of legendary parents whose lives have been spent serving and protecting their Nation, STOOD STRONG AND PROUD as an Israeli Sabra born of the Biblical Remnant of Israel - and told the listening world:
                               AM YISRAEL CHAI!

How do you 'measure the worth of a man?'...look at his LIFE'S LEGACY!!! This man and his beloved wife have produced a second generation of Israeli Sabras whose LIVES are the MEASURE OF THE MAN!!!