Thursday, October 11, 2012


Shalom, Mishpocha!

The Fall Holy Days...the Fall Feasts of The L-rd...the Moedim that He said all mankind should meet with Him on...these Days are now behind us for another year...

I wonder, as we conclude this Season of Anticipation of His Return, what it will take for my Brothers and Sisters in the "church world" to wake up to the truth of The Jewish Roots of the Faith...what it will take for Churches and their Pastors to actually honor His Appointed Times as His Word teaches...Churches and Pastors like to say that they 'follow the Word'...but do they? Many do not when it comes to Israel and obeying His Word and Teachings about His Feasts...

A friend called tonight to tell me that he was told that where we worship is not a 'Zionist Church'...I am not sure what that statement means, but I do know this...if we are not a "Zionist Church" we better become one - and quickly!

In all of my years of intense study of The Word of G-d, I find the following to be 100% inerrant:
1) Israel is the Apple of His Eye
2) His Eternal Covenant with Her is just that - ETERNAL
3) His Eternal Covenant Children are The Jews - now and ETERNALLY
4) Israel is His Timepiece for all of His Story: Past, Present and Future
5) He IS Coming Again to STAND on the Temple Mount, the Har HaKodesh, in HIS City, Jerusalem
6) We, His Goy Children, will be judged on HOW we have treated these truths
7) The ONLY People and Nation He has given a command about/to/for is Israel.
B'resheet/Genesis 12:1-4 clearly states that "I will BLESS those who BLESS Israel; and CURSE those who CURSE Her." Look around you to see WHO He is blessing and WHO He is cursing. Pretty easy to decipher....

To me, all the above sounds pretty much like 'Zionism' - the love of The Land of Tzion and Her Children...the Belief and Trust that His Word is Inerrant, Immutable and Eternal...

When you have worshipped in a church that clearly identifies with Israel; honors the Feasts of the L-rd and teaches the Jewish Roots from the Pulpit as well as in Bible Fellowship Classes, it is difficult to settle for less...

Singing and Dancing and Waving Banners in PRAISE to The Most High G-d Of Israel...why is this problematic? If anyone thinks there is not going to be this type of Worship again on the Temple Mount, in the Millennial Temple, I think they better do some soul searching...Davidic Worship is simply brings Honor to G-d and allows His Children to Worship Him in Spirit and in Spirit Filled Joy...why are some so afraid of this? It is numbing and saddens my soul to know that anyone would react to - or be so afraid of - this type of Worship...

HaShem says in Z'kharyah /Zachariah 8:1 that He is 'very zealous over Zion.' If G-d is a Zionist, why would we want to be less?

Blessings and Shalom!

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