Saturday, August 21, 2010

False Prophets


The Church of Yeshua Ha Masiach is under attack. I am not sure if these attacks are worse than when He walked the Earth...but I am sure that they are fierce and unrelenting...and I am sure that it is time the Bride of Messiah stood up and said "Enough!"...we may not be able to stop the attacks as we are told by Yeshua Himself that in the "last days" things would get progressively worse until people cried out for the mountains to fall on I feel as though that is the place we find ourselves...

Men and women who call themselves "Pastors or Prophets" are all the rage in today's church The Book, G-d said that anyone who called himself/herself a Prophet and gave a message of prophecy that never materialized should forfeit his/her life...yet how many such people are there today who speak words they call prophetic with no accountability or consequence for their words...

The "Prosperity Gospel" is preached across the entire spectrum of today's Church goes something like this: "if you give me your money for things I say are important you will reap much more money than you give to me" - or I have even heard some of today's Prosperity Gospel Pastors say "give me your money and when you get home later, you will find all the money you need in your home"....when these poor fools have given all their hard earned monies to these crooks, and return to their homes only to find no such monies waiting for them there, they are told that they must be "sinning" in some area of their lives...or that they didn't "trust" G-d enough to bless them with money...things like my Grandparents Day, it was called "snake oil sales" these Prosperity Gospel pastors make MILLIONS of dollars off their lives of the rich and famous...commit adultery and destroy their homes and families...sell their books and products to those gullible Christians who actually believe these charlatan is unbelievable...and it is deadly...

One of these charlatans, Paula White and her "former" husband Randy White have made a career out of this type of multi level lying...all the while stealing their parishioners monies and running up debts of well over $40 MILLION dollars that their "Church" is supposed to somehow come up with the money to repay...I was in Tampa in 2008 when the "Paula and Randy White" scandal hit...the headlines of the Tampa Tribune on the FRONT PAGE of that paper filled the entire top half of the first page...and the story ran 4-5 FULL PAGES in addition to the front page...complete with photos of their homes and life style living...and of the church they had destroyed with their greed and, today, nearly 2 years later, Paula is all the rage again...she is asked to speak at national conventions as a "Christian Pastor and Author"...she is allowed to "pastor" a church is Randy White...even though they both are divorced several times now...and engaged in "other relationships" as they say...the latest Paula rumor is that she and Benny Hinn...yes, Benny Hinn that world renowned "faith healer" whose life style and parishioner money grabbing schemes make Paula and Randy look like street beggars...THAT Benny Hinn...are rumored to be "keeping company" in some of the exotic far away places that Benny has several of his many homes...alas they were photographed in their rendezvous while "vacationing" together...but it gets even better...they BOTH went to the VATICAN to see THE there's a real can of worms...what do you suppose went on there??? "When in Rome" was the slogan LONG before "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" much for the Vatican's complacency in all these matters...they have long been known to have amassed MULTIPLE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from THEIR parishioners...

There ARE some prophetic voices today with a simple message that I PRAY FERVENTLY is REALLY from G-d...the YOUNG PEOPLE are fed up with "church as it is" and are being filled with the Ruach at a rate that is more rapid than in any time since Messiah walked the earth...the WORD is that these same young people will not put up with this CRAP any longer and WILL restore their worship to the ONE TRUE G-D and HIS WORD...sometime when you have a few minutes, google in the IHOP in Kansas...and WATCH these young people worship...HANDS RAISED...VOICES STRONG IN SONG...PRAISING the G-D of Heaven and Earth and His Son...FALLING to their KNEES in ADORATION to the King of their ALL to Him without reservation...

THESE young worshippers will NOT put up with the lies and stealing and adultery and filth of the "Prosperity Pastors"...their worship will cleanse and renew the Bride...and prepare Her for Her Bridegroom...that is what it is all about...being ready for His Return...I wonder what the "Prosperity Pastors" will do when they see Him? How do you suppose they will explain all the stealing and lies and adultery? Their money and houses and cars will mean nothing then! May it be soon! Even in our Day! In the meantime, watch your wallets!

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