Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Is This The Year?


Rosh HaShana 5771 is about to be ushered in...Yom Teruah, the Festival of the Trumpet Blast...Tishrei 1, 5771...the New Year that G-d Himself announced in Vayikra/Leviticus 23:23-25:

"Adonai said to Moshe, 'Tell the people of Isra'el, in the Seventh Month, the first day of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest and remembering....a holy convocation announced with blasts on the Shofar. Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to Adonai.'"

The Hebrew word "ROSH" means "head"..."HA" means "the"..."SHANA" means "year" - "Rosh HaShanah: Head of the Year.

The Fall Feasts of the L-rd now fall in rapid sequence: Rosh HaShanah is followed 10 days later by Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, which falls on Tishrei 10...which is then followed by Succoth/Feast of Tabernacles, which falls on Tishrei 15 and runs for 7 days until Tishrei 22...these Fall Feasts are "The Later Rain" that the Prophet Yoel/Joel speaks of...."The Early Rains" are the first Three Feasts - the Spring Feasts: Pesach/Passover on Nisan 14...Cha HaMatzat/Unleavened Bread on Nisan 15 and HaBikkurim/FirstFruits on Nisan 16...the Omer is then counted for 50 days until Shavuot/Sivan 6...

All of these Feasts point to Him...the Messiah...the Son of G-d and the Son of Man...perfect portrayal...The Spring Feasts...The Early Rains of Yoel...Pesach/the Paschal Lamb "slain from the foundation of the World" as He was Crucified and His Blood Shed for the sins of the world...Cha HaMatzat as He was "wrapped in a white linen cloth and hidden away to be found later" as He was Buried in the borrowed tomb...HaBikkurim as He Arose on the Third Day...the FirstFruits of those who sleep...the Aviv Barley Sheaf presented in the Temple as a Wave Offering...

He appeared to many, we are told during those following 40 days until His Ascension...multiple hundreds of Jews living in Yerushalayim saw Him...and they saw long dead loved ones whose graves had been suddenly and miraculously opened when He arose on that first Resurrection Day...by the way, the FIRST day of the week is not Sunday AM...the FIRST DAY of the week commences at SUNDOWN following the COMPLETION of the SHABBAT which is Sundown FRIDAY to Sundown SATURDAY...the FIRST DAY then begins at SUNDOWN Saturday night which is why we are told that Miriam and the other women ran to His tomb "as it began to dawn on the FIRST DAY of the week"...

After those 40 Days when He was visible to so many hundreds of those living in Yerushalayim, He told the Talmidim/Disciples that "it was better for Him to return to His Father so that the COMFORTER/RUACH would come"...and so, 10 days after His Return to His Father, the Feast of Shavuot dawned with "tongues of fire" appearing over the heads of those Jewish Men gathered in the Temple as they had been taught...symbolic for the RUACH being poured out on those Jewish men assembled in Yerushalayim as the Regalim Feasts commanded "Jewish men to appear before G-d in His Temple with an offering of the new grain of their crops"...that is why there were "men from every nation and land in Jerusalem"...it was SHAVUOT and ALL Jewish Men KNEW that they were to appear before G-d in His Temple with an offering on this day...Shavuot: the Feast of Weeks...the Spring Feasts...the Spring Rains...perfect portrayal and fulfillment in His Life, Death and Resurrection...

The Fall Feasts...the Later Rains of Yoel now unfold symbolically and prophetically...perfect portrayal in His Second Coming...Rosh HaShanah/Yom Teruah...Tishrei 1...the Great Trumpet Blast we are told that G-d Himself will sound to announce the Return of His Beloved Son...the Church calls this "The Rapture" of His Bride...the equal wave offering of Jew and Gentile Believers...then the 10 days of Awe between Yom Teruah and the Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement...

On this most solemn of all days of the year the Cohen HaGadol/High Priest was to enter the Holy of Holies to make atonement for the Nation of Israel AFTER he had made atonement for himself by the shedding of blood...the goat slaughtered for his sins...the scapegoat sent away into the desert bearing the sins of the Nation...we think of Him when He went into the Desert after Yochanan immersed Him in the Desert of Judea...in the River Jordan that runs through this beautiful land from north to south...He, like the Azazal/Scapegoat, went into the wilderness carrying our sins and the sins of those who seek Him...He was actually both sacrifices: the blood sacrifice G-d required for the remission of sins...and the substitutionary sacrifice carrying our sins into the wilderness never to be recalled again...Oh the miracle of forgiveness...to know that when we come to Him asking for our sins to be forgiven, He not only forgives, but we are told that He "remembers our sins against us no more"...that they are as far as "the east is from the west"...there are not enough words to express our thanksgiving for this gift of forgiveness...

Yom Kippur...the most solemn and holy day of the year...only on this day did the Cohen HaGadol pronounce "The Name" - and even then it was the Tetragamatron - Yud Hey Vav Hay: YHVH..His Name was and is so sacred that it was never pronounced...the unutterable name of The Most High...He will come for Israel on this day...His Children will sit Shiva for Him as they "look on Him who was pierced for them"...His Brothers and Sisters will see Him...will look on Him and all of the thousands of years of history...of Tanak writings...of journeys...of pogroms...of sufferings...of Holocaust...of terror attacks...of wars...all of those years will melt away in an instant as He reveals Himself to them...just as Yosef did with his 11 Brothers in Egypt...then the G-d of Creation and His Messiah Son will do battle against the forces of hell that have long harmed the Jews - the Apple of His Eye - His Beloved Land and Children...and bind these demons in the hell for which they were created...

Then the Succoth...Feast of Tabernacles...will be ushered in...Yeshua said of Himself that "I tabernacle with men"...his physical, earthly birthdate is Succoth...not December 25 which the Church world has long believed is the date of His Birth...G-d's miraculous conception of His Son was 6 months after Elisheva became pregnant with His Forerunner: Yochanan...we know these dates from the record David made of the Temple Service and the Order of Priests on duty in the Temple...Yeshua was conceived on the Festival of Light/Chanukah/Kislev 25: "I am The Light of the World" and born on the Feast of Succoth/Tishrei 15: "I Tabernacle with men"...perfect symbolism...perfect perfection...

We are told to "watch for His Return" and to be "like the 5 Wise Virgins" who "did not let their lamps go out"...as such, we watch for Him...we watch the Heavens...the Cloud formations that we are told He will appear on...the "Flash of Lightening" as from the East to the West....the King of Kings coming on that beautiful white steed for HIS BRIDE...to take Her Home to the "place He went to prepare a place for Her" as the "Bridegroom prepares for His Bride"...the place we will celebrate the Wedding Feast/Marriage Supper of the Lamb with Him Who WAS...and IS...and IS TO COME!

If this Rosh HaShanah is the day He calls us Home, we will meet on the "other side" - safe for all Eternity in His Home...never to suffer again...never to know pain...never to know loss...never to know hurt...never to know rejection...never to know want...never to know need...never to leave His Presence...

If this is not the date of our Homegoing, we have much work to do in The Vineyard until He does call us home...if this is the case, let us "gird up our loins" as His Word teaches and really get about significant matters: His Word...His Land...His Children...His Purpose and Plan for the life He has given us...let us renew our minds with the Jewish Roots of our Faith...so that we KNOW HIM as HE WAS...a Jewish Man who kept and observed and fulfilled every aspect of the Teachings of the Torah He wrote with His Finger...and let us not become weary in well doing, for we shall reap in good season...let us put our hands to the plow and work the works we were created to do...

May you and your loved ones have your names safely recorded in The Lamb's Book of Life for all Eternity! All praise to our Coming Conquering King! Pele Yoetz! El Gibor! Avi Ad! Sar Shalom! His Name is Adonai! Ancient of Days! Bread of Life! Creator! Eternal God! Eternal King! Everlasting Father! Everlasting God! God of Hosts! God of Israel! King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

Baruch HaShem! Baruch HaBa B'Shem Adonai! B'Shem Yeshua!

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