Sunday, April 14, 2013

Their Lives Were Not Lost In Vain

Today is Yom Ha'Zikharon in Israel...Memorial Day...for the thousand of Israeli Men, Women and Children whose lives have been snuffed out by the Enemies of God...some were murdered by terrorists...some were butchered in one of the many Wars and Operations that Israel has been forced to participate in to defend Herself...each death has one thing in common: that life was destroyed because he or she was a Jew...and because the terrorist enemies who hate Israel and Her Eternal Covenant Children do not know The Most High God of Avraham, Yitzchak Yaakov...and certainly do not bow their knees to His Immutable Word and Truths...

We know many of these Israeli families now...having worked closely with and for Israel for so many years, we know the Soldiers and Leaders and Am Ha'artez who make up this beautiful Land of God...and we grieve with them...

The loss of one life is too many...Israel was reborn on the ash pile of over SIX MILLION of their fellow Jewish Men, Women and Children who were butchered in Hitler's Hell known as the Holocaust...each Israeli Jew knows that the Land they are living in; have fought for and labored for; have given their 'ALL' for...this Land their Forefathers were promised in an ETERNAL COVENANT GOD MADE WITH AVRAHAM...this is THEIR LAND and they are NOT going to give it up EVER...which makes Yom Ha'Zikharon so emotionally draining BECAUSE each Israeli Jew KNOWS that their lives are expendable for the good of THIS NATION CALLED ISRAEL...

At the tender age of 18...just when these beautiful Israeli Young Men and Women should be thinking of their future life this age, each Israeli young boy and girl - for that is what they truly are - young people - not yet men and women - but soon to this tender age, each Israeli boy and girl is inducted into the IDF to be trained to serve their Nation and to protect it, if need be, with their own lives...

What a difference PRIDE and HONOR in your Nation make...all over the rest of the free world, young 18 year olds are able to actually begin to walk their life path as it is not 'mandatory' that they enlist in the military of their respective Nation...I often wonder what a difference it would have made if American 18 year olds were forced to enter the military - both male and female 18 year olds...would there be PRIDE in America rather than the socialism and communism that has penetrated our Academic Institutions and turned so many of our young people away from the knowledge that Freedom is the basis of our Nation's Founding...

Freedom isn't has been bought with a price...and many times that price is the shed blood of others who were willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice so that those who came behind them COULD live in Freedom...

In the case of Israel, FREEDOM is what drives this Nation to SUCCEED at EVERYTHING it puts its' hands to...they know what the LOSS OF FREEDOM meant to their extended families from all over Europe who perished in OVENS and CONCENTRATION CAMPS because they were JEWS who were NOT free...

On this day, Iyar 4, 5773...what the world calls April 14, 2013...I lend my voice in prayer to The Most High God I love and serve to say along with my beloved Israeli Brothers and Sisters...

NEVER AGAIN! Each life HONORED and REMEMBERED today MEANT SOMETHING to Israel's God! He has NOT FORGOTTEN any of these whose lives we recall today...for He tells us that 'He knows the very number of the hairs on our head'...and He 'stores up our tears as Prayers of Incense before His Throne'...and that He knows when each sparrow falls...LIFE is precious! He gave the LIFE OF HIS SON for us...SURELY, if He was willing to pay that price for us, His Eternal Covenant Children's Lives are worth far more than one can imagine...

May G-d COMFORT and STRENGTHEN each Family in His Land as they pause to honor their own who have given their all for Israel!

'Hiney Lo Yanun, Ve Lo Yishan, Shomer Yisrael!'

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