Sunday, June 30, 2013

There Will Be An Accounting!

I was awakened early this AM to read an article on my Iphone entitled: Netanyahu Prepared To Give Up 90% of Judea and Samaria...As I read through the article, multiple emotions began to swirl in my heart and mind...none of them good...

As anyone who knows me can attest, I have spent well over the last dozen years of my life in full time, pro bono work for and with Israel...when I was led by God to study the Jewish Roots of my Christian Faith, my passion for the study of the Jewishness of the Gospel of Yeshua became totally consuming...I would venture to say, with all due modesty, that I know as much about this subject as any MDiv Student...and certainly light years more than the vast majority of Pastors throughout the world...Israel, Her Children, The Jewish Roots of The Faith, and AFFI, my 501.C3, have become life work...

Individuals like me, who either are or become Christian Zionists, have a common denominator: we know Yeshua as our Savior - and that He Was and Is The Messiah of Israel...we live our lives based on the foundational teachings of The Inerrant and Immutable Word of God...and we give our support and help to Israel unreservedly BECAUSE we know that Israel IS The Eternal Covenant Land of God...and the Jews, His Eternal Covenant Children...

In The Tanakh, God CLEARLY and REPEATEDLY commands His Children to 'take the Land I have given you' - in the case of Moshe and Yoshua, it was through conquest of the pagan tribes that were then living there...Yoshua was told to destroy entire cities including populations and animals of that city so that ISRAEL'S CHILDREN could settle there...The Land was divided into parcels for each of the 11 Tribes with the 12th Tribe of Levi given Lands and Cities WITHIN the Land given to their 11 Brothers...

EVERY time Israel failed to conquer or occupy the portion of The Land God gave them, there was trouble...and Israel was told by The Prophets God sent that their PUNISHMENT for DISOBEYING His Command, Promise and Blessing of OCCUPYING The Land HE gave THEM, that it would 'cost them something' in terms of life and/or destruction...The pages of The Tanakh are FULL of stories of those times that Israel DISOBEYED GOD and 'gave up The Land'...

Today, over 2000 years since the Destruction of the Second Temple and the massive deportation of all of Israel to the lands of their conquering enemies, Israel is BACK in The Land God Gave Her for All Eternity...History SHOULD have taught Israel what VIOLATING His Law appears that those horrific lessons were NOT indelibly etched on their National Heart...

In 2006, under extraordinary pressure from the USA, Israel GAVE UP the ENTIRE GAZA STRIP - making it JUDENREIN in a ghastly enforced removal of every Jew living in the, schools, synagogues, businesses...EVERY aspect of JEWISH LIFE in Gaza was DESTROYED in horrific fashion by their arab enemies under the very eyes of Israel's Leadership at that time...and what are the results? Peace with the 'palestinians'?...Peace with their arab enemies?...Peace with the World Governments that forced this upon Israel?...NO...NOT EVEN IN THE SMALLEST MEASURE...

Instead, there have been over TENS OF THOUSANDS of MISSILES FIRED INTO the South of Israel BY Her enemies in nearly CONSTANT and ONGOING barrages...those beloved Jewish Men, Women and Children living in the South of Israel face CONSTANT attack...yes, there are days, weeks and even sometimes a month or so without any terror missiles fired into Southern Israel...but those 'lulls' are rare as the 'peaceful Palestinians' cannot - will not - allow the Eternal Covenant Children of God to live their lives in peace...

On the VERY DAY that the USA FORCED Israel to become JUDENREIN in Gaza, Hurricane Katrina STRUCK the USA with a force of destruction unlike anything we had ever seen...and shortly thereafter, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - who was BELOVED by his Nation - whose name MEANS 'LION' - was struck with a MASSIVE STROKE that has left him basically brain dead and on life support for 7 years...GOD IS NOT MOCKED...when HE SAYS SOMETHING, HE MEANS IT...When His Word is DISOBEYED, HIS VENGEANCE is ultimately meted is a terrifying thing for me to think of...and yet...and yet...NATIONS like the USA NEVER LEARN...and ISRAEL CONTINUES to EVEN CONSIDER giving up MORE 'land for peace' -- which is the biggest LIE of all...

The Pollyanna World of make-believe that "all will be wonderful if we just give up those nasty 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria" permeates the 'godless left' of BOTH Israel and the USA...and the FOOLS WITH TALKING HEADS such as the godless Obama and his equally godless Sec. of State John Kerry PLOT and CONTRIVE and COERCE Israel to GIVE UP THEIR HEARTLAND and the GOLAN HEIGHTS...

People compare Obama and Kerry to Neville Chamberlain of the UK/Pre WWII, saying they are 'well intentioned pacifists' --- to this I say, ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE. Obama knows EXACTLY what his policy of the "POST ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST" is to look like - documents prepared by his State Department have been found and published - with very little 'denial' by him or the syncopants surrounding him...the GAME PLAN is to BRING ISRAEL TO DESTRUCTION...and they are using the CANNIBALIZATION OF ISRAEL'S CITIZENS BY HER OWN ELECTED OFFICIALS to do so...all the while chanting 'Peace and Security' for Her...

I tell you this: I am nearly 70 years old now...the days ahead of me are far less than the ones behind me...I have spent my life trying to make a difference for My Nation and My God and His Land...with EVERY OUNCE of whatever life is left in and for me, I believe these things to be true:
1) Obama and his henchmen are NEVER to be trusted to do ANYTHING that is GOOD or of PURE MOTIVE for Israel; 2) the Game Plan he and his fellow tyrannical leaders of other World Nations are and have been plotting is for the DESTRUCTION of Israel, and they have their national departments preparing for this end result; 3) Israel MUST NEVER, under ANY circumstances, TRUST this man or these other national leaders; 4) Israel MUST NEVER give up ONE GRAIN OF SAND that GOD has given Her; 5) Messiah IS Returning to HIS TEMPLE MOUNT, to the TEMPLE that ISRAEL will build to welcome Him HOME to His Land; 6) God's WORD is INERRANT and IMMUTABLE and HE WILL PROTECT AND DEFEND HIS LAND AND CHILDREN...

The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing I believe to be true is this: Messiah Yeshua WAS and IS the Only Begotten Son of The Most High God...He was BORN a JEW...lived a FULLY OBEDIENT Jewish Life...Suffered and Died a JEW on a Roman Tzlav FOR the REMISSION OF MY SINS and the SINS OF THE WORLD...His Shed Blood provided the ATONEMENT that EVERY SACRIFICE He prescribed in the Tanakh spoke of...He ASCENDED to His Father and IS sitting at HIS RIGHT HAND...He WILL RETURN with the ANGELS OF HEAVEN to DO BATTLE with and DESTROY His Enemies...He WILL STAND AGAIN on the Olive Mount...ALL ISRAEL WILL SEE HIM AS THEIR MESSIAH...AND ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED!

Those who have plotted the harm and destruction of Israel and His Eternal Covenant Children fill the depths of Hell...what makes these leaders of today think they will escape HIS WRATH for what they have done or are planning to do to His Land and Children?

To my BELOVED Jewish Brothers and Sisters I say this: DO NOT GIVE UP ANY OF YOUR LAND! STAND STRONG IN HIM! SEE THE CHARIOTS AND WARRING ANGELS ON THE HILLS SURROUNDING YOUR LAND!!! OBEY HIS WORD AND HOLD THE LAND HE GAVE YOU! IF, for ANY reason, Israel fails to do what God's Word CLEARLY tells Her to do, the price will be horrific for of those price tags will be the MASSIVE LOSS of Evangelical Christian Zionist support that She so depends on! Work that people like me and my organization try to do to help Her will become very difficult as OUR HEARTS WILL BREAK FOR HER...BUT WE WILL HAVE NO EXPLANATION TO GIVE ANYONE FOR HER DISOBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD...FIGHT FOR YOUR LAND!!! DO NOT GIVE ANY OF IT UP!! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER!!! BLOW THE SILVER TRUMPETS AND MARCH FORWARD! As the SONG OF EZEKIEL says: I can hear Judah assembling! Praise is their weapon of war! ARISE! ARISE! ARISE HERE AND NOW!!

As the closing of each of the books of Torah record:

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