Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Clock Is Ticking


The events of this week have brought laser focus on Israel: Her Leaders, Her Military, and their respective actions. These events have also drilled into every fiber of my being the sheer reality of the hatred directed against this Land and Her Children.

It should not surprise me; I have long studied The Word of G-d and know the Prophetic Teachings contained therein...every one of them deal with Israel. While the world rushes aimlessly from play station to play station, the Clock is ticking...and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. G-d clearly revealed in every utterance about the End of Days that HIS Hand would move the Clock...and that Clock was and is Israel. The Second Hand began to move when Israel was rebirthed as a Nation in continued to move when Jerusalem was reunited in 1967...ticking constantly through the 1973 Yom Kippur War...on and on the Second Hand moved...the First and Second Lebanon Wars...the forced Evacuation of Gaza...the continual shellings of Sderot and the Negev...and this week once again our eyes are turned to the Clock and we hear the TICK, TICK, TICK as the crescendo builds...

Those of us who know Messiah Yeshua long for that Second Hand to finally hit MIDNIGHT...we are weary of the filth of the world around us...of the substances of good being turned black by the slime of sin that overtakes every fiber of our the refusal of the world to acknowledge The Creator who made them and this World we inhabit...the lies told that are dusted with face powder to make them appear true...and we wait...longing as the Talmidim/Disciples did to SEE this Messiah who walked this Earth...lived among us and died for our sins...promising that with His Resurrection we, who believe in Him, are forgiven OUR sins and promised Eternal Life with Him and His Father in Heaven...

But we grieve for our loved ones and friends who do not "Know Him" as their personal Messiah...we fear for their souls...and we spend hours of our lives in prayer to Him who Was and Is and Is To Come that SOMEHOW these loved ones and friends will come to see Him as He is...yet all the while, the Clock is ticking...Israel moves from day to day...event to event...sorrow to sorrow...and no one comforts one offers Her a hand of one comes to stand beside Her...offer Her shelter...offer Her hope...she is left alone...abandoned and betrayed by an American Administration that does not bow the knee to The a World that ignores and castigates The Creator...and a people that deny The Creator is The Sovereign G-d of the Universe...all the while, the Clock is ticking...

Soon, it will be Midnight...then the Clock will have reached its' fullness and a new Day will dawn! And then, Israel WILL be the "or la Goyim" (light to the Gentiles) that She has been destined to be since the Foundation of the World! And WE, who have waited...and prayed...and cried...and worked down through the Millenia for this Day, will rejoice with Her! Then, TOGETHER, as the ONE NEW MAN IN MESSIAH, we will fall to our knees and cry HOLY, HOLY, HOLY! L-rd, G-d, Almighty! Who WAS and IS and IS NOW COME! The Lamb Slain From The Foundation Of The World!

Let them know that You, whose Name is ADONAI the L-RD - that You alone are the Most High over all the Earth! Tehillim 83:18

Can you hear the Clock TICKING....TICK...TICK...TICK...TICK?

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