Saturday, June 26, 2010

T'heelim and Teelim


The battles Israel must always fight are both physical and spiritual. The Hebrew word for Psalms is "T'heelim"...the Hebrew word for Rockets is "Teelim"...the Israeli saying is "we use T'heelim against Teelim"...

A good friend sent me a teaching a very wise man in Israel had recorded several years ago...the key points of this teaching follow...

In the Second Lebanon War waged in July, 2008, the Chief Rabbi of Israel called for the Nation to read T'heelim 83 this same time, an ancient Latin manuscript was found in a bog in Ireland..the manuscript was opened to T'heelim/Psalm 83! Coincidence??? I think not! The G-d of Israel ALWAYS sends HIS WORD to enlighten the path Israel is to walk!

Spiritual warfare is connected to physical warfare. The Brit Hadasah/New Covenant records in Ephesians 6 and 2 Corinthians 10 that these two "wars" often go together. The New Covenant gives revelation into the spiritual forces behind the conflicts. Shmu'el Bet/II Samuel 5:24, M'lakhim Bet/II Kings 6:17 and Danie'l 10:3 and 13 state that spiritual warfare is connected to military conflict; and that in turn is connected to Israel.

In the Second Lebanon War, Nasrallah, the head of Hamas, defied the G-d of Israel. David said to Golyat/Goliath in the book of Shmu'el Bet 17:45 "I come against you in the name of the L-RD of the Armies, the G-d of the Battalions of Israel, whom you have defied." Likewise, G-d will come against all those who bring harm upon His Land and Children. G-d's Word is Immutable and Inerrant. There is nothing man can do to negate what the Creator of the Universe decrees.

We praise G-d for his Blessings...we must also praise Him for His Judgments...His Judgments display his Righteousness, His Holiness, and His Power. The Brit Hadasah Book of The Revelation of Yochanan/Revelation teaches that "all the Nations shall come and worship before You, for Your Judgments have been manifested" (Revelation 15:4) "You are Righteous O L-rd...for You have judged these things. True and Righteous are Your Judgments" (Revelation 16:5, 7). As we enter into the Tribulation of the End Times, one of our roles as a "Spiritual Priesthood" is to praise G-d for His Judgments.

G-d often calls His People to go to war. There is a spiritual war raging between Evangelicalism and radical Islam. We may want to avoid this conflict, but the conflict is not going to go away. The physical war is raging in the mountains of Afghanistan and Iraq...North Korea and China...Russia and Turkey...and America...these are the physical manifestations of this War! This war must be won. G-d is glorified when Good triumphs and Evil is defeated. The forces of terrorism and jihad must be decisively defeated. Our job as His Children is to secure the victory!

When the Tabernacle in the Wilderness broke Camp, the tribe of JUDAH went out first! JUDAH means: Praise or To Praise...when used in a Text it means: to confess or declare Who G-d is and What He does!

When Moshe raised his hands, Israel defeated the Amalekites...when he lowered his hands, Israel was defeated! It was not the army that determined the outcome, but the raised hands of Moshe! The Hebrew word for the hands of Moshe being "steady" in the original Hebrew is EMUNAH - which literally means Faith!

Let's keep our hands raised up in prayer, praise, worship and prophecy until the Victory is won!


Here is a list of T'heelim for Teelim you can save to refer to:
Psalm 2
Psalm 27
Psalm 83
Psalm 91
Psalm 121
Psalm 129
Psalm 132
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may they prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy gates." Psalm 122:6-7

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