Friday, May 21, 2010

Calling Evil Good and Good Evil

Boker Tov on this Sivan 8, 5770! We are hours away from Shabbat...this week's Torah Reading for Shabbat is Parashat 35: NASO (Take) B'midbar/Numbers 4:21-7:89 Parashot means Weekly Torah/Scripture reading) for Shabbat...There are 54 Parashot-Hashavua (readings) to allow for readings on 54 Shabbats - which can happen during a Jewish Leap Year, since a leap year adds a 13th lunar month to the calendar. These Parashot readings from the Torah (Five Books of Moshe) and the Nevi'im (Prophets) are read each week in the Synagogue on Shabbat. The cycle of reading begins on each holiday called SIMCHAT TORAH, which usually falls in October...when the SIMCHAT TORAH begins we begin at B'resheet/Genesis 1 to read Parashot 1/B'resheet 1:1...and contine with the weekly Parashot readings until we come to SIMCHAT TORAH at the end of the Lunar Year and we read Parashot 54 and re-wind the Torah to begin anew with Parashot 1: Beginnings/B'resheet. Simchat Torah means JOY OF TORAH...and reading the Immutable, Inerrant Word of G-d is the deepest joy to our soul!

Remember: each LUNAR MONTH is determined by the sighting of the Crescent Moon seen from in the West from Jerusalem! G-d's Lunar Calendar is based on the Agricultural Cycles that He Created and Determined. Be blessed in your spiritual and physical bodies as you read His Word! He tells us that it is "meat to our bodies!"

Please pray for Safe Travel Mercies today and through next Tuesday for me and those I work with in AFFI. We covet your prayer covering on our work! Pray His Hand upon me and my Israeli Partner and Friend, Eeki Elner...and upon the work that He has called us to do in and for His Land!

These are times of great unrest in our Land...yesterday, in OUR Congress, the President of Mexico castigated AMERICA in OUR OWN HOUSE for the strong stance Arizona has taken against illegal immigration...and he was given a STANDING OVATION by the entire DEMOCRATIC delegation...our President also joined the fray in an unusually sharp condemnation of the RULE OF LAW being upheld in a STATE OF OUR Friends and Loved Ones: these are the days that Yeshua spoke of when "men would call EVIL Good and GOOD Evil"...this administration has done more harm to our Nation in 16 months than in all the years gone by...they are causing racial unrest; brokering secret deals to remove our Second Amendment right to bear arms; taking away the free enterprise system that our financial paradigm was built on; exacerbating class envy while destroying the Middle Class; turning on The Land of G-d which will bring horrific calamity on us as G-d's Word clearly states; and fomenting anxiety and fear all across the spectrum of our Society. It is my personal belief that all this is being done so as to create as much chaos as possible...which will result in "them" being able to establish "martial law" which they will then use to destroy our remaining freedoms. Let us approach the Throne of Grace and implore our Father that the hearts of these men and women so bent on "calling evil good and good evil" are broken before Him. And let us not be weary in well doing in this Day we see coming upon us!

Bless each other! Lay hands on your husband and wives and children and friends and pray over them! Anoint each other with Oil! Pray and Study His Word Together! Ask the Ruach Ha Kodesh to fill your cannot Stand without Him!

Shabbat Shalom to each of you and those you hold dear! Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and Her Children!

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