Friday, May 14, 2010

What goes around, comes around!

Today is Sivan 1, 5770....we have now entered the month of Shavuot, the 4th of the 7 Feasts of the L-rd. The "Ten Words" - Ten Commandments were given on Sivan 6 as the Hebrew Nation gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai.....49 days plus 1 following the Exodus from Egypt. The Christian World calls Shavuot "Pentecost" and honors this date as the birthday of the Church. Flames of fire fell on both of these Sivan 6 dates: in the Wilderness around Sinai the first time as HaShem thundered from His Heaven, speaking His Commands; and in Jerusalem the second time as the Ruach was poured out on those who were gathered there as the Levitical Law required.

Mideast Corner:

There is an old adage: "what goes around,comes around." It has been used for years to mean that "what you do, will eventually be done to you." The Torah would say "an Eye for an Eye.....a Tooth for a Tooth".....same principle as the adage.

By all news accounts, Ehud Barak left Washington having been given "discrete assurances" that the current US Administration would "look favorably" on the disolution of the Coalition that Bibi Netanyahu formed when he was elected Prime Minister of Israel. MK Barak sent pretty strong signals that he will cooperate with the US Administration in their determiniation to give Israel's land to the Palestinians....and would even consider the unthinkable: dividing Jerusalem. You can see the handwriting of this Adminstration all over this.....their betrayal of Israel reaches new levels of disgust daily.

War with Lebanon is brewing.....Hezbollah is armed and plotting their next attack....the IDF is preparing for this eventuality...massive disaster drills are being waged inside Israel and on the Mediterranean....many are saying that summer will see the outbreak of these hostilities.....what concerns me is where will the US support be placed: Lebanon or Israel......the unthinkable betrayal could happen.

While Israel and those Zionists around the World who love Her honored Yom Yerushalayim Day this week, others chose this time to inflict harm....Arab teens stoned a car in Jerusalem this week, nearly hitting a young baby who was sitting in the back seat. The incident took place at the entrance to Ir David (City of David), outside the Old City and next to the increasingly violent Arab neighborhood in the Silwan area.

The parents, residents of the Jewish village of Kida in Samaria, had traveled to the capital to celebrate Jerusalem Day. After visiting family in the neighborhood of Nof Tzion, the couple set off for Ir David.

As they approached the neighborhood, they found themselves stuck in traffic. Suddenly, several young Arab men assembled behind their car and began throwing stones at the back windshield. The couple's young baby was in his car seat, facing the back windshield. While most stones missed the car, one large rock shattered the windshield and missed the infant's head by centimeters.

While we go about our business here in the States in a fairly safe environment (for the time being), a young family in Israel cannot let their guard down for even one moment.....

The G-d of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps....and His Eye is on His Land!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom to each of you!

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