Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Angels Unawares


There are times when each of us has felt a "presence" and wondered...is Adonai speaking to me? Or there have been times when we have seen or met someone that we just felt "different" and we wondered...is this an "angel unaware?"

I often think this when I see folks holding up signs about needing work to buy food for their families...usually they are near Freeway exits or entrances...we glance at them...and more times than not, just want to hurry and get past them as their stark need makes uncomfortable...some few times I have driven past them, then turned around and gone back with a $10 or $20 bill in my hand to give them...and when I have done so, my conscience has been eased...

In our walk on this journey of life, G-d sends each of us "someone" to help ease the burden/load we carry...on dark days of the soul, a phone call will suddenly come that brings relief to our weary hearts...an email comes from a person that took the time to write us just at that moment we felt we were the most vulnerable...each of knows what that "friendly hand/smile/call/email" has done to uplift us at just the moment we needed it most...when things seemed the darkest...I just had one of those phone calls come...

I believe these are Divine Blessings from HaShem...His Word tells us that He notes "every tear that falls" and "keeps them stored up in a jar" for us...some have said that these tears will be diamonds in Eternity...I don't know if that is true or not, but I do know that many tears have been shed as we walk our life journey...

Today I want to say "thanks" to all the 'angels unawares" that have crossed my path as I walk my life journey with AFFI...my Co-Founder Eeki Elner...a man after the Heart of G-d who has given up everything in his life to establish a Leadership Institute in Israel that can bring renewal to every aspect of Israel's Mosaic...to his phenomenal Board of Directors/Associates, the caliber of which are legendary, today's Lions of Judah: Oded Tyrah, Ofra Ben Yishai, Gal Hirsch, Eyal Ben Reuven, Eyal Arad, Morry Sivan, Yuval Gat, Galia Albin, Nitza Nachmias, Ziva Ben Reuven,Yuval Tanuri...men and women whose lives rival their Biblical counterparts...

My Sister, Nancy Haverstock who month after month handles the Donor Relations Accounting for us; my Brother in Law Rick Haverstock who was the first person to help me design our AFFI Merchandise Line; my Nephew in Law Ryan Kumpf who designed our first AFFI website; my Niece Megan Kumpf who sent our snail mail appeals; Annette Brickey who helps me with any AFFI Project or Event that we undertake; Suzanne Herb who helped me design the first AFFI print material; Doris Mowery who handles all of the AFFI Banking month after month with kindness and the utmost professionalism; Mike Jennings and his Accounting Team who handle all of our AFFI financial matters; Ned Segelken who helped us establish our 501.C3 and give us the legal advice we need; our current and past AFFI BOD members and team: Julie Nimmons, Chris Bolan, Mary Lou Whitlock, Phil Heimlich, Don Bush, Wade Mumm, Bruce Mumm, Mark Knobel, Russell Johnson, Todd Appelbaum, Lynn Hampton, Mark Barbee...

And most importantly, my dear husband, Bill, who allows me to do what I do day after day without ever complaining that I am gone so much or working such long hours...

While thanking these individuals, I must add some newer "angels unawares" that have crossed our path...Aaron, Steven and Mark Plaat who have come to us by what must be directed by The Most High...they are filling gaps that have opened up as we are growing so rapidly...Sam Goldberg and Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann who I know G-d brought to us...our new AFFI Chapter Directors/Helpers Wilma Smart, Tracy King, Lori Barbee, Debbie Evans...each of these have and will contribute to my personal walk and the AFFI's corporate walk...

Lastly, each of you in my Jewish Roots of the Faith Class, Facebook Fans and now my "Moments til Midnight" Blog readers are "angels unawares" that He has sent to bring blessing and strength to me as I labor for and with Israel...your daily prayers are the bedrock support that enables me to continue working day by day... all of you above, and many others, are my "angels unawares"...G-d brought you to my life for His Good Plans and Purposes!

Each of us knows those to whom we are indebted..let's make it a point to stop now and then, turn around and say THANK YOU to them...each of them has made/is making our life journeys walkable in Him!

Toda Rabba to you "Angels Unawares!" My life walk is much brighter because of each of you! Blessings and Shalom today!

1 comment:

  1. Susan that was truly touching. Thank you for that reminder.
