Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stock Taking Time


The calendar turned at midnight June 14...on June 15 I became 65 years old! WOW! You have no idea how that realization smacks you in the forehead until you reach that plateau...a "Stock-Taking" of your life time...thoughts and emotions run through your brain at warp speed...where DID those years go...what HAVE I done with the time, talents, treasure given to me to use here on this earth...loved ones long gone suddenly reappear in your minds' eye...a dear Father who died way too young...friends tragically lost...Grandparents...Aunts...Uncles...In-Laws...all gone now...they have seen The L-rd and heard either "well done, good and faithful servant, enter into your rest" or "depart from Me, I never knew you"...THAT is a sobering thought that drives you to your knees...

I have been away from you all electronically for a few days...the 65th Birthday did that...coupled with a lot of work that had to be done...meetings that were mandatory...and even a couple Birthday celebrations with loved ones and friends...I am pretty much back in the saddle again...and it is time to move on...the Soul Searching will go on...coupled with the prayer of "HINEYNI ADONAI" - here am I, L-rd, use me! and "Refine the Silver, L-rd...Remove the Dross"...that is what getting older means...actually PRAYING those prayers and MEANING them...seeking to BECOME what it is that HE has called you forth for...and most of all, asking HIM to take YOUR hand and lead you Home safely!

The Little Lhota's had a birthday cake for me Sunday night...and asked me to make a "birthday wish" as I blew out the MANY it is: L-rd: let me stay strong and finish well! What more could I pray for?

Be of good cheer! Even though the days ahead of us are a good deal less than the ones behind, we see the Destination ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 65th! Glad you had such a nice birthday! Love ya, Jon
