Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What can we do?

If you are like me, you are fed up! You have worked your entire life; paid all your taxes; fought for your country or had a loved one/ones fight for your country; voted in every election; tried to stay abreast of current events; studied to know the G-d of Creation and His Son as your Messiah; raised or are raising your family members to know and serve G-d and be responsible citizens of both the Kingdom of Heaven and the USA....

If you are anywhere my age (65 soon), you have a long history and memory of "days gone by" and learned at the feet of your parents and grandparents about the "Great War" and the "Great Depression"....you walked to and from grade school; rode public transportation to high school or car pooled with parents who drove back and forth; worked all during high school either at the local grocery store or gas station; drive in restaurant; or baby-sat the neighborhood kids....

Your parents insisted that you sit down together as a family for meals; and homework was done around the dining room table; when the homework was finished, a TV show was viewd by the entire family....and it was suitable for viewing by the entire family....

You had no idea what "drugs" were except those medications that the Doctor brought to the house when someone was sick....and yes, Doctors made House Calls in those days.....you joined a Civic or Charitable Organization and learned to "pay back AND forward" to the community you lived in...you walked nearly everywhere or rode your bike....and it was safe to do so....you made lots of mistakes and were "grounded" by a strict Dad or Mom for doing so.....

Eventually, you grew up and married the person you vowed to love come "better or worse" and you meant it....together the two of you worked exhausting hours and learned that hard work paid off in what was then America....and you saved for that "rainy day" that everyone told you would come.....you took a job that you knew you would keep for your entire working career....and then would retire from that job with a good pension and the perverbial "gold watch" for years of service...

Along the way, you survived the heartache of loss of loved ones; sickness and illness that debilitated to some extent; and the myriad of problems that come from living on a daily basis....

As you walked this walk, your Faith in the G-d who created you became very strong....it had to...you had no one else to lean on....no one to bail you out....you were taught that you were responsible for the choices you made and the consequences thereof....

And you grew up....and you grew stronger....and you never in a million years thought you would see your once great Nation reduced to the slobbering, nanny state that it has become.....nor did you think that all the years that you worked and paid taxes....kept abreast of all current affairs and voted for candidates that you believed were of good moral and spiritual fiber.....NEVER did you think you would see the type of unprincipled, unethical, immoral, godless, socialist and marxist men and women take over your country.....nor did you think that everything you worked for and paid for would be given to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who did nothing to earn even one penny of it.....nor did you think that your taxes would go for MILLIONS of lazy people who live at the trough of the public dole.....and cry that they have not enough and we owe them more....

So, if you are like me, you are FED UP....and you know that it is time that something be done....well, here is the deal: I am going to write to several individuals that I know are working to change all this.....men and women of strong principle and deep faith.....men and women like you and me....who already have working organizations that are fighting this sewage daily......I think that if we join forces with these men and women, we have a fighting chance.....look at Arizona....and now Colorado....they said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and are TAKING THEIR STATES BACK....let's do the same! Are you with me?


  1. Susan,

    I appreciate your passion and your willingness. I am with you and not sure exactly what that means. I do thank the Lord for the knowledge He gives you that you so freely pass on to those like me who feel totally overwhelmed by politics and can't seem to understand what is happening half the time. So thank you so much. I will continue to pray for your ministry. Again, thanks so much. Teabags

  2. Susan,

    Great thoughts here. Keep it up!


  3. I am with you too! Like Terri, I do not know what all that means, but I want to fight for this Country and the Godly principles it was founded upon!
    Thanks Susan!
